Wants: A One Woman Show An evening of avant-garde performance art directed by Cellista, featuring the premiere of composer Beth Custer’s No War. No Where for solo cello and loop station.

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Wants: A One Woman Show An evening of avant-garde performance art directed by Cellista, featuring the premiere of composer Beth Custer’s No War. No Where for solo cello and loop station.
Choreographed by Lilith Ransom
Tickets: Cellista.net
$10-$15  21+
Tickets available at door or via Cellista.net
Cellista’s Wants
Cellista’s ‘Wants’ confronts issues of identity, loss, displacement, and acceptance within the Bay Area arts community. It is an avant-garde response to the experiences of Bay Area artists during these uncertain sour times.
San Francisco, CA: Cellista presents Wants on February 10th, 2017 at 7:30PM at Little Boxes Theater (1661  Tennessee Street, San Francisco). Wants is an avant-garde response to modern times.
Using participatory theater techniques and structured improvisations, Cellista’s Wants allows an audience to sense the interconnectedness of the Bay Area’s collective voices.
In the wake of the Trump election and the tragic losses of Oakland’s Ghost Ship fire, Wants is an avant-garde response to uncertain and sour times.
As observant as it is confessional, Cellista directly incorporates the narratives of her artistic community and her audience into her presentation.
Wants features original sound design and music composed by Cellista. The presentation also features the premier of No War. No Where a new work for solo cello and loop station written for Cellista by renowned composer Beth Custer (bethcuster.com).  The evening includes post-ballet dance choreographed and performed by Lilith Ransom (facebook.com/ransomdance) and opens with a prologue performance by singer/songwriter Rebecca Mimiaga (rebeccamimiaga.com).
Confronting issues of identity, acceptance, loss and displacement, Cellista’s Wants redefines the boundary between audience and performer.
Little Boxes Theater
1661 Tennessee St
San Francisco California 94107
Media contact: Jonathan White [email protected]
Find out more about Cellista Cellista.net
Press Quotes:
“Freya (Cellista) is a classically trained, punk rock spirited girl with the charm and elegance to defy the stereotype that classical music isn’t cool.”
— Belle Foundation
“She gave me quotes to put around the emptiness.
She gave me context. And subtext.
And reflex-tions of what has now filled the void.”
 –Gary Singh, journalist/poet and Steinbeck Fellow

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Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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