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It is all about information.

Newspapers and other Chronicles are OK for the most part, but they abridge information, have too much advertising and opinions.

We wanted to provide information directly from the source unabridged. The commentary we provide are more like reports from the perspective of those who experienced it. We aren’t political nor do we take sides. However, we do set ourselves to have community standards that allows everyone to read our site without being offended. Think of us as a phone book or information kiosk in a mall. We just relay information to be read and indexed. Our readers are from elementary schools to top universities and everyone in between.

We will never have a subscription service either. Never, ever. We believe information should be free. The goal of the site is for you to get your information and leave the site. You are welcome to peruse the site for as long as you want, but we won’t make you go through hurdles to get what you are looking for. It is updated as often as possible. If you wanted to get a daily summary of articles emailed to you (you can opt out at anytime) please sign up for our FREE Daily News Email Newsletter by clicking here. All we need is an email address only. You can see what the daily updates look like by clicking here.

We cover select articles in the arts, human interest, animal welfare, business and science and original interviews.

In summary: We are a news service and not a public relations company. If you require a public relations firm we would suggest clicking on Public Relations Companies.

The site is designed to be self-service. We do attempt to make the site as simple to operate as possible.

Our goal is to provide the reader information directly from the source. We make no warranty of information. Please go to the source’s website.

We are based in the United States, and have readers from 181 countries.

Don411.com Media has no geographical boundaries.

About the author

Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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