, a non-partisan online political blog, is hosting a politically inspired Halloween contest and offering a cash prize for the best photo or video submission of individuals dressing as a politician or demonstrating a political issue

Comment Off 30 Views, a non-partisan online political blog, is hosting a politically inspired Halloween contest and offering a cash prize for the best photo or video submission of individuals dressing as a politician or demonstrating a political issue. Your issue could be anything from heart disease in Americans, recycling, homeless/AIDs awareness. The full guidelines are below. (Lots are going with the ever popular pollution theme – get a black trash bag and dress it up with various items to demonstrate how the globe is suffering from human harm.)


Below is the press release for the costume. You can also view it online here: Announces First Ever Politically Inspired Halloween Contest

Submit Photos or Videos of You Acting as Your Favorite Politician or Political Issue and Win Up to $300.00 in Cash Prizes!


Washington, D.C. (October 27, 2014) – With Halloween and Election Day just around the corner, PressThePresident.comwants you to get in the spirit by submitting photos or videos of yourself dressed as your favorite politician or political issue. Every year, hundreds of thousands of Americans celebrate these holidays with costumes and parties and now you have a chance to be rewarded for your creative efforts. is offering a cash prize for the best photo or video submission of individuals dressing as a politician or demonstrating a political issue. Press the President’s editorial staff will judge video and photo submissions on relevancy, creativity, and originality. All photos and videos must be submitted by 12:01 a.m. PST on November 5, 2014 to be considered. For full submissions guidelines, please scroll down.


Struggling for the best costume idea? We have you covered. Here are some hot button issues we think would make great creative costume idea:


  • Global Warming – With so many options for this one, it is hard to know where to start. The easiest costume idea is simply to wear a global and dress it up with winter accessories – before you know it, you are warming the globe!


  • Pollution – While covering yourself in trash may cause some individuals to stop in shock, it certainly gets the point across! According to, Pollution is one of the biggest global killers, affecting over 100 million people. That’s comparable to global diseases like malaria and HIV.


  • Animal Rights – Wear a costume that showcases your feelings about clothing from animals, food from animals, fur trade, and rights associated with hunting.


  • Veteran’s Rights – Although Veteran’s Day isn’t until November 11th, why not get a head start on celebrating the men and women who have served our country by dressing up like one of your military heroes? In light of the recent Phoenix VA Hospital scandal, many Americans have made an effort to educate themselves about what they can do to support these individuals.


Photo Submission guidelines:

  • Must be original content from the user.
  • Must be accompanied by caption of whom the politician or political issue is and why the individual decided to dress like them.
  • Any photo containing nudity, profanity, violence, graphic content, illegal drugs, derogatory comments, personal attacks or slander towards others will be removed and will not be considered for the contest.  Anything that is considered spam or an advertisement will also be removed.
  • Contestants are encouraged to submit a written piece as well (no more than 500 words) about the politician or issue they are portraying.


Video Submission Guidelines:

  • Must be original content from the user
  • Must be no longer than 60 seconds in length
  • It must be clear which politician or political issue you are imitating.
  • Must abide decorum of Press the President – any video containing nudity, profanity, violence, graphic content, illegal drugs, derogatory comments, personal attacks or slander towards others will be removed and will not be considered for the contest.  Anything that is considered spam or an advertisement will also be removed.
  • Contestants are encouraged to submit a written piece as well (no more than 500 words) about the politician or issue they are portraying.


Rights of Press the President:

·         Press the President reserves the right to remove any photos or videos that do not comply with the above guidelines.

·         Press the President reserves the right to use any submitted photos or videos on or in any other manner or platform Press the President chooses to promote itself now or in the future.




Submissions will be judged on relevancy, creativity, and originality by Press the President’s editorial staff.


  • 1st prize – $300.00
  • 2nd prize – $150.00
  • 3rd prize – $100.00

Winners will be contacted via email at which point they will be required to send their mailing address for follow-up purposes. The winner of the contest will most likely be interviewed for a press release about their photo and why they decided to “go political” this Halloween instead of rocking the spooky outfit.


How to submit a photo?


To submit a picture, email [email protected]. Please include a short sentence about the costume and what this politician or issue means for you.


To submit a video -You simply take your smart phone, ask your friend or family member or a simple passerby on the street to record you for 60 seconds doing your best impression or impersonation of the politician of your choice. Care taken for costumes and props are given special attention by the judges for consideration for prizes.  Once you have your 60 second video, you can post it here on Press the President. Just create a profile using your Facebook account:


And away you go! This is your opportunity to have fun and get prize money for doing it!





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