Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu is approved as a member of the Mensa, a club of world geniuses

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Portuguese-Brazilian philosopher is one of the most intelligent people in the world
Philosopher Fabiano de Abreu is approved as a member of the Mensa, a club of world geniuses.
Fabiano de Abreu is a philosopher, journalist, publicist, poet and researcher. And now, besides all his skills, he was approved as a member by Mensa, the world’s largest and most famous IQ (Intelligence Quotient) society. After the Mensa exams he was submitted, specialists of that institution says that Fabiano de Abreu is in an above-gifted category, according to his IQ score.
To figure in this super exclusive role of genius is a feat for the few. In Brazil, for example, among the well know celebrities, there is the composer/singer Chico Buarque (IQ 140), the former talk show host Jô Soares (IQ 156), and the musician Roger Moreira, from the band Ultraje a Rigor (IQ 172). The fact of the philosopher Fabiano de Abreu reach 175 points in the Mensa IQ tests, places him near the top of the IQ list, among the most intelligent people in Brazil.
If we compare his score globally, we’ll find singers like Madonna and Shakira, that have both IQ 140, and the multi-billionaire Bill Gates, IQ 152. Steve Jobs and Einstein had both IQ 160. These numbers places Fabiano de Abreu in a strict group of people, in a global context.
Founded in the United Kingdom in 1946, Mensa has only 134,000 members in 100 countries. Its members correspond only to the so-called 2% of the world population, with IQ above 140. Among the members of this exclusive club, academic level is not what determines intelligence. They may be either multiple doctoral graduates or maybe some of them have never finished high school: a diploma is not a prerequisite. The list of professions is diverse: teachers, truck drivers, scientists, firemen, programmers, farmers, artists, military, musicians, police officers, etc. In Brazil, according to the Mensa website, there are about 1,400 members.
Fabiano de Abreu reports how he found out he belonged to this group of people with above average intelligence: “When I was 17, I did my first IQ test, and the result was 175 points, I do not know the basis they used for that. So I was in Rio de Janeiro recently, and then I decided to do another test, this time at age 37, with the psychologist Roselene Espírito Santo Wagner, who did not present me numbers (IQ), but she gave me a result naming myself as “above-average intelligence.” Later, I went to São Paulo to look for the neuropsychologist Cristiane Costa Cruz, who is a member of Mensa and an expert in intelligence testing, for doing a wide-ranging test of several types of intelligence, such as verbal reasoning skills and others. Afterwards, I also did the exam for Mensa, the association of the biggest IQs in the world, and then I received their confirmation as a high IQ person, and then I became part of the Mensa international. What does this change in my life? besides answering several questions that I always had wondered until now, it gave me the chance to obtain a scholarship from renowned universities in the world, to attend to the anthropology college. Now, I’ve been intending to enroll myself in so many courses (laughs).
Fabiano says that he was considered a rebellious child, and he even got expelled from school for his bad behaviour.
“Even during high school I was not the so-called model student. I had self-discipline issues. But the maturity came and I became a journalist, writer and a respected professional in Brazil and abroad. I am a philosopher who did not graduate in philosophy. By being approved in the Mensa, I am able to plead a scholarship in Harvard and other equally prestigious universities around the world. As I live in Portugal, I intend to study in Porto or Coimbra. “,
For David Wechsler, the term “genius” could be applied to those who scored above 127 in a standardization with mean = 100 and standard deviation = 15. Later, he went on to classify as “genius” who scored above 150. By the most recent classification of the Stanford-Binet V (2003), the term genius is applied to who obtains score above 160
Check out the basics of global IQ:
IQ above 127: Giftedness
121 – 127: Superior intelligence
111 – 120: Intelligence above average
91 – 110: Average intelligence
81 – 90: Light blunting
66 – 80: Border
51 – 65: Slight weakness
36 – 50: Moderate weakness
20 – 35: Severe weakness
IQ below 20: Deep weakness
Below 20: deep mental retardation
Another Q.I. commonly used in children is the Bailey Child Development Scale.
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