Watching Her Grow-Letting Her Go!

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April 28, 2014  

  • Love Note
  • Watching Her Grow – Letting Her Go
  • “BEAUTIFUL YOU:From Girl to Woman”-Last Chance to Sign Up! 

Hello Bright Light,

You know the feeling when you sense it’s time to make a change and you resist the change for whatever reason?  For me,change is most challenging when it requires letting go of something precious. I think of all the times I’ve held on for WAY too long… and the stagnation and misery that creates.  

Recently I was given a butterfly garden and 5 butterflies to tend from larva to wing. It was extraordinary being part of the miracle of their metamorphosisfrom caterpillar to butterfly. They were so beautiful and graceful, I wanted to keep them with me forever. 

My butterflies would have died if I had not released themto sunshine and wind when it was clearly time for them to go. In today’s post, I share what I discovered the day I set those butterflies, AND something I’ve been deeply attached to for years, free to fly. 

If you are holding on to something that needs to change, I hold this vision with and for you: 

  • May you connect deeply with the light of your inner wisdom.
  • Trust yourself even if you can’t see the outcome.
  • Use your focussed intention to embrace and move through whatever gets in the way.
  • Take an action today that will get the energy moving.

I promise you, like sunlight after today’s spring rain – new LIFE awaits.

Love and Blessings, 



….Several days ago I noticed that my butterflies had stopped moving and I felt really scared!!! Did I leave them inside their garden too long? Were they dead? I took them outside, carefully placing  them on the grass. Their wings were tightly closed and there was no movement. Was I a terrible butterfly keeper who had not been tuned in enough to notice that it was time to set them free? I felt horrible!! CLICK TO READ MORE

BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman Trainings


  • Did you struggle as a girl, like I did, without the support, knowledge, tools and skills you needed to experience a joyful and empowered journey into womanhood?
  • Are you a mother who wants to make sure your daughter has everything she needsfor her journey into radiant womanhood?
  • Are you a woman with a ‘calling’ to empower women and girls? 

If you answered YESto any of these questions, this 2-part training might just be the perfect next step for YOU! 

Part One: [for Mothers with daughters 8-13] is an Education and Support Program to actively learn and commit to your goals of preparing yourself, and the girls you care for, to experience empowered and celebrated journeys into womanhood. 

Part Two: [for Women with a Calling to empower women and girls] is a Certification Program to prepare you to facilitate BEAUTIFUL YOU: From Girl to Woman ‘playshops’ in your community. 

Want to know more? Just reply to this email! 


For as long as she can remember, Georgette has lived in state of wonder at the blessing and mystery of Creation, on a journey to explore the questions…

Who Am I?

Where Am I? 

Why Am I Here? 

What Am I To Do?

She creates and navigates her life by soul guidance. Her quest for the deeper meaning of self and Life evolved into her mission and life’s work to inspire and guide others to answer these questions for themselves. A gentle but potent catalyst for awakening, Georgette has a special calling to empower the feminine for the possibility of a more balanced world.

Georgette is the founder of the Life Blessing Institute, a learning community dedicated to inspiring wise women, men, parents and youth to live conscious and soulful lives. She designed the curriculum for a variety of educational programs over the past 17 years including the Maiden Spirit, Peace Warrior Youth Empowerment, Rites of Passage programs, and mentor trainings. Georgette has been in practice as a Soul Coach for over two decades, working with individuals, groups, and organizations to transform unconscious stuck energies into renewed creativity, manifestation, and restored connection with self, others, and Life. She holds an MA from the Naropa Institute and a Doctorate of Ministry from the University of Creation Spirituality. Currently Georgette is blazing a trail to bring Life Blessing offerings on-line.

Georgette delights in being a mother and grandmother! She enjoys a rich life with her soul mate in their Northwest forest home. Her mother, affectionately called ‘Mother Love’ by all her friends, is 85 and lives close by. These are but a few of her greatest and many Life Blessings.


P.O. Box 281, Lake Oswego, OR 97034, USA 

About the author

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