The World Premiere of Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown / Chicago A Food Film Fest™ Event

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TONIGHT: The World Premiere of

Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown / Chicago

A Food Film Fest™ Event

TOMORROW: Meat ‘n Greet ‘n Eat!
w/ Hamburger Expert George Motz in Chicago

Today, The Food Film Festival™ returns to Chicago at Begyle Brewery, for a SOLD OUT special, one-night only event. In its tenth year, the Food Film Festival, created, directed, and hosted by George MotzTravel Channel personality and food filmmaker, is an unexpectedly delightful night of viewing and tasting. The Food Film Festival is the only film festival in the world, where guests get to taste what they see on the screen...right in their seats. The event benefits The Good Food Project of Chicago.

The Food Film Festival and CNN present a special world premiere of the Chicago Episode of Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown before it airs on CNN. The Fest is bringing you TV in a way you’ve never seen it before — by pairing one of CNN’s greatest food-oriented travel shows with The Food Film Fest’s signature Taste What You See on the Screen experience! All this, while enjoying Begyle Brewing Co’s in-house selection of unique Chicago beer.

About the episode: Chicago’s iconic Old Town Ale House and its colorful patrons are the gateway to Bourdain’s tour of the “City by the Lake,” which includes the host dining on breaded steak sandwiches at Ricobene’s with music producer Steve Albini, sampling Mapo Doufu at Chinatown’s Sze Chuan with Chef Stephanie Izard, and a home cooked meal with Chicago-raised rapper Lupe Fiasco and his mom, plus a tour of comedy mecca Second City with mainstage performer Paul Jurewicz.

On the heels of the Food Film Fest event is the Chicago launch of George’s new cookbook, The Great American Burger Book, which hit stores last week. The Meat ‘n Greet ‘n Eat! Chicago event will be held at M Burger at Water Tower Place from noon to 1pm on Thursday, April 28. Free French fries for all and free cheeseburgers for book buyers! Proceeds from the day’s book sales will be donated to St. Baldrick’s Foundation’s support for Sophie Z., a young Chicagoan battling brain cancer since last year.

RSVP for Meat ‘n Greet ‘n Eat! Chicago HERE

And be sure to watch new episodes of Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown, Sundays at 8pm CST, only on CNN.

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