Thoughts for the Adventure March 13, 2014
This last week I spent a few days in El Paso visiting my mother. One joy of being in that part of the world is the food. While all the cuisine may not be cholesterol friendly, in my view it is delicious and unique.
Although the cheese used is not healthy, the fresh locally grown chiles certainly are and there are few things as wonderful as the smell of chiles roasting on an open flame. If you have never gone to a restaurant in New Mexico and been asked whether you would like red or green, you are missing out.
While the smell of a roasting chile is superb, I cannot imagine life without the opportunity to taste a New Mexico grown chile of one kind or another. It is truly an experience that titillates all of the senses, like the tears that flow when chewing on a mouth full of hot seeds. We are given our five senses by God to enjoy all that God’s creation has to offer and it is perhaps for this reason I was a bit unsettled by an article I read recently (A Slate Magazine article that appeared in Business Insider).
I quote. “Your high school may have had different names for them, but you probably recognize what they are: school dances. A staple of American culture.” The article continues to make it clear that dances are disappearing all over America. One teen interviewed said, “Kids don’t need to go to a dance to interact with each other when they can sit in their bed with their laptop and phone and text them. It’s basically like being with that person.”
I am thrilled we are as connected as we are as a culture, that the internet is an option for millions, and that we have the variety of hard and software available. That said, however, saying that texting a person is like being with a person is like saying you know what a New Mexico chile is like without seeing or tasting it. And what is striking to me is that our sources of connecting are leaving many of us feeling disconnected, across generations.
Why are most people texting other people at restaurants ignoring the person or people right in front of them? Why is picking up the phone considered to be a chore? Why is posting something on Facebook thought to be so relational?
Again, I am glad we have all the technology we have, but let us not conclude in any way shape or form that such technology allows us to relate to another human being in any way that resembles face-to-face time. As I am examining my own use of technology and reliance upon multiple gadgets, its becoming clearer and clearer that I am not served well in life by continually being plugged in.
We need space for others. Space for ourselves. Space for God. All of which is impeded by that ding, swish sound, or entertaining ring tone. Perhaps one of God’s messages for us is to unplug daily and explore and delight in our bodily senses as we eat, communicate with others, play, work, and even pray.
Robert +
Sunday Bulletin Material Deadline If you would like material to be printed in the Sunday bulletin, please have it to Sue de Campo by 4pm on Wednesday so she’ll have time to compile the bulletin. Thanks very much! |
Weekly Quip
Men have become the tools of their tools. Henry David Thoreau
Kids & Families
When I was little I was pretty intimidated by church leaders. They were the men in black robes who led the Sunday worship service and greeted me with a pat on the head as I exited the front doors. I didn’t view them as approachable at all, and I most certainly didn’t view them as friends. So imagine my surprise when I first learned that my husband grew up not only socializing with the priests and nuns from his hometown church, but they were on a first name basis! They had dinner together, went on family outings together and some of Tim’s favorite memories are of deep conversations with the priests and faculty at his Catholic high school. So when I had some little visitors to the office recently (see photo) I was reminded how important it is for those in ministry to be approachable to young people (and everyone!) It’s so good for kids to be comfortable in and around the church building and to spend time with ministers and clergy in order to take some of the mystery out of church leadership, rather than have kids view leaders as some distant and aloof figure towering over them in a robe on Sunday mornings. Modeling Christ’s love and friendship – and approachability – might just make them curious about what kind of relationship they can have with Jesus!
 Violet Striegler visited the Chapel during the workday this week, and was clearly having some fun with Caroline Gibson! |
Children, Youth & Family News & Events
IgNite this Sunday 6th – 8th graders worship and play with Kara and Adam this Sunday during the 9am service. IgNite happens every month on the 3rd Sunday!! Be there or be square.
Cash in those Character Coins! Mark your calendars it’s almost time to cash in those coins! Sunday, April 6th will be the first opportunity to cash in character coins, followed by the first Sunday of every month!Click here to view all the awesome prizes and ways your kids can spend their hard earned coins. Character coins help kids understand what it really means to live lives of character. Kids receive coins when they have been “caught” showing kindness, respect, integrity, friendship, responsibility, etc. In return they can cash the coins in for treats, trinkets, trips, and yes, even tithing! Learn more at www.project18aspen.com/character-coins
This week’s Bible Memory Verse is: Week Nine
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. ~ Philippians 4:13
Missed a week? Check out all the weeks here.
BEYOND TRIP Spring Break Road Trip – HS goes to Havasupai Waterfalls BEYOND Adventures heads to the desert for 6 days over Spring Break! Hike desert trails through Indian Reservation and cool off in remote and brilliant blue waterfalls and pools! We’ll enjoy the great outdoors and time with friends, get some serious exercise, see some gorgeous scenery, and explore Spirit on these Native American lands. Dates: March 25 – 30th. Contact Kara to sign up: [email protected]
Project 18 & Camp SMashBox Summer dates released!!!

Chapel News & Events
“Son of God – the Life of Jesus in YOU,” a 6-week Lenten Season Bible Study with Gary & Heather Beach. Join Gary and Heather after church on Sundays for an hour during the Lenten season in a brand-new Rick Warren Bible study that focuses on Jesus. The study is based on the new feature film premiering in major theaters on February 28: Son of God–The Life of Jesus. The DVD will show clips from the film followed by a discussion led by Rick Warren, with thought-provoking questions detailed in the study guide. A GREAT way to prepare your hearts and minds for Lent and Easter!
This Bible study started March 9 and will end Sunday, April 13 (but you are welcome to still join). 10:45 in the Chapel after fellowship. Study guides will be available for purchase for $7.00 (make checks payable to Heather Beach). If interested, please RSVP to Heather: [email protected]
Free Pasta Dinners continue March 13th Snowmass Chapel is hosting a free community-wide dinner every Thursday throughout ski season. Dinners are open to all and we especially invite our tourism and resort workers to come and mingle, meet new friends and enjoy a free meal on us! 5-6pm weekly in the Creekside Room. If you can volunteer to help serve and clean-up please call Sue de Campo at 300-1223 or email[email protected].
On-Mountain Worship – Winter 2014 Meet us for 15 minutes every Sunday (through March 30th) at 12Noon outside Gwyn’s High Alpine Restaurant. For questions, please contact Caroline at 970-300-1200 or [email protected].
The Story Bible Study hosted by Robert and Oz Mandel Summary: “The Greatest Story ever told”; God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. That is what The Story is all aboutthe story of the Bible, God’s great love affair with humanity. Condensed into 31 chapters, The Story sweeps you into the progression of Bible characters and events from Genesis to Revelation. Using the text of the NIV Bible, it allows the stories, poems, and teachings of the Bible to read like a novel. When: Thursday evenings at 6:30pm. Now-August 4th, 2014. Where: Gnarnia at Snowmass Chapel. Free to attend. Drop ins welcome and encouraged! (Also, children and families are invited to attend.) Purchase The Story new or used on Amazon.com. For more information, please contact Robert Mandel at (970) 923-4429.

RE: MIX a midweek time for meditation and centering prayer
You have heard the buzz words: Meditation, Zen, Yoga, The Universe, Centering, Energy Fields, Visualizing, Spirituality, and so on. I think there is much congruency between these practices and Christian faith. “RE: MIX” is a small group that will meet once a week on Wednesday mornings from 7 to 8 AM. The goal will be to clear away the interference that distracts us from communion with God. Picture it like a mid-week realignment for your heart. Topics will include forgiveness, love, gratefulness, faith and more. We will start out with snacks and coffee and go from there. Please wear comfortable clothing. RSVP’s to [email protected] or[email protected] are appreciated but not necessary. |
This Week at the Chapel
Thursday, March 13
AA Meeting 12 Noon – 12:45pm “Lunch Crunch” meeting in the Fireside Room
Sparks! 4:00 – 5:30pm After-school program
Free Pasta Dinner 5:00 – 6:00pm in the Creekside Room
“The Story” Small Group 6:30pm in the Gnar-nia Room
Sunday, March 16
Christian Worship 9:00am in the Chapel
IgNite for 6th – 8th graders 9:00am in Gnar-nia
Fellowship/social time with refreshments 10:00am following Sunday morning service
“Son of God: The Life of Jesus in You” Bible Study 10:30am in Gnar-nia
On-Mountain Worship 12 Noon outside Gwyn’s High Alpine Restaurant
Thursday, March 20
Moms Day Out 9:00 – 11:30am in the Creekside Room
AA Meeting 12 Noon – 12:45pm “Lunch Crunch” meeting in the Fireside Room
Sparks! 4:00 – 5:30pm After-school program
Free Pasta Dinner 5:00 – 6:00pm in the Creekside Room
“The Story” Small Group 6:30pm in the Gnar-nia Room
Weekly Scripture
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14
Reaching Us we’d love to hear from you
Robert, Senior Pastor [email protected]
Charla, Director of Children, Youth and Families [email protected]
Caroline, Administrative Director [email protected]
Paul, Music/IT Director [email protected]
Sue, Volunteer and Events Coordinator [email protected]
Kara and Adam Gilbert, Snowmass Chapel Teen Leaders [email protected],[email protected]
Snowmass Chapel t 970.923.6192 866.452.9511 f 866.334.2557 P.O. Box 17169 5307 Owl Creek Road Snowmass Village, CO 81615

To love the Lord our God with all that we are, all that we have, & all that we will become & to love others as ourselves |