The Chapel Mountaineer, August 21

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The Chapel Mountaineer Weekly
Thoughts for the Adventure
August 21, 2014

I have often heard people describe music as the “universal language.” Like so many truisms, I think this is a nice thought, but I’m not sure that it is universal or true! For example, consider whether the music of your generation “speaks” to the generation that came after you: Do the songs that you grew up with communicate exactly the same thing to your children (and grandchildren) that they do to you? Does your children’s music touch you in the same way that it reaches them? Does the music of other cultures move your emotions to the same extent that music of our culture affects you? I think it is safe to say that music is a language, but while there are certainly universal acoustic and mathematical laws at work, whether you “speak” the language of a particular genre of music has more to do with conditioning than it has to do with anything universal or inherent.

Interestingly, generations have been fighting over the changing aesthetics of music for as long as we have recorded history. In every generation, you will find people who are willing to use the semantics of words in an attempt to objectively prove that their music is artistically and/or morally superior to the music of others. While I find much of this kind of analysis to be egotistical, ethnocentric and sometimes nationalistic, music is too powerful a force to simply ignore. Music both reflects and shapes the values and world view of the culture from which it springs. I have found that music is so deeply ingrained in our identity that it is nearly impossible for us to step outside of our own ego in order to see our own music objectively. For this reason, no generation names itself or its music and art. Each generation’s art, music, literature and architecture are defined by the generations that follow—for better or for worse! Nevertheless, criticizing another generation’s music is like telling a mother that her baby is ugly—it will always be an unwelcome message. I am amazed at how many people are willing to alienate their friends and family by criticizing or making fun of musical differences.

Jesus wasn’t talking about music when he said that you will know a tree by its fruit in Matthew 7:15-20, but the principle still applies. When you choose music for yourself, it might be helpful to consider the way that it affects you—how it reflects and shapes your emotions and attitudes. The staff of Snowmass Chapel meets every week to plan worship for the coming weeks and we take careful thought for the music we choose. Our first goal in choosing music is always to find music that supports the topic so that the musical tone reflects the message of the spoken word. We also recognize that our congregation (like our staff) is made up of people with a huge disparity in musical tastes. We try to honor that fact by “mixing it up” with different genres and artists. We also realize that not every song will speak to every person, but we hope that sprinkled among our choices will be a few that resonate with you.

Which brings me to my final observation. In science there is the law of sympathetic resonance. If you tune two strings to the same pitch and you set one string to vibrating, it will vibrate the air around it, which in turn sets the other string to vibrating. Acousticians will tell you that the volume of air and shape of a space will reinforce or inhibit certain tones. I believe that this principle applies to music. Each piece of music has its own character and if you have some aspect of yourself in tune with that character, you will find yourself vibrating *with* the music. Chances are, if there is nothing inside of you that corresponds to the music, you may find yourself indifferent or even antagonistic to the music you are hearing. I have heard people use this principle to criticize the music to which other people are sympathetic. What is of greater value is to use this principle to evaluate your own sympathies and make choices that support the kind of person that God is calling you to be. Maybe you can even exchange your judgment for curiosity on occasion and instead of criticizing the music of your acquaintances, show that you care about them by asking them to describe their music to you and explain how it moves them and reinforces their values.


~Paul Dankers

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Weekly Quip

Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.

Kids & Families

Well, dang. That went fast!
I can’t believe we’re winding down our summer activities and already ushering in a new school year, but here we are, a little refreshed and a little exhausted all at the same time! We have a lot to look forward to in the coming school year. We hope you will continue to be support and participate in the Children’s Ministry at Snowmass Chapel — and bring friends!

Charla smiley face

Children, Youth & Family News & Events

Last chance camping trip was a hit! 8 kids enjoyed God’s great outdoors this week as we played, explored, laughed and grew together at Chapman campground. A huge thanks to Anna Belinski for helping to guide our rambunctious group.

Join the Children’s Ministry Team!
Sunday School and Youth Volunteers Needed

Snowmass Chapel is in need of teachers and assistants in our weekly Sunday School classes. Teachers are needed for all age groups: PreK-Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grade and 3rd-5th grade. For the 6th-8th grade we are looking for one or two individuals who would commit to lead monthly events for the year.

In addition, we are looking for a musician, and a young adult (or two) who would join Kara and Adam in mentoring teens at the Chapel. This would consist of many different kinds of activities, including Bible Studies, excursions, worship planning and more.

All positions start in September. This is a HUGE AND IMPORTANT MINISTRY. Please consider joining the team! For more info visit our website or contact Charla.

Sunday School Update!
As all of our kiddos are moving up into a new grade in the new school year, so will we be shifting our Sunday School classes! August 24th is the “official” move up day (though some kids have already been enjoying their new groups this summer!).

Every Sunday during the 9am service:
Toddler Room open with supervised play
Preschool – Kindergarten (Godly Play)
1st – 2nd grade
3rd – 5th grade

6th-8th grade (3rd Sunday of the month)

We are also in need of Sunday School teachers for the coming year! Pleaseemail Charla if you can lead a Sunday School class at least once a month for the new school year!

High School Welcome Brunch!
Aug. 24th Snowmass Chapel is hosting an après-church brunch for ALL HIGH SCHOOLERS! This will be a great way to mingle with the new incoming freshmen and offer a few words of advice, support and friendship. You remember how it feels to be the new kid in high school – so help make it a little easier by offering your friendly smiles!! We have lots of current and incoming high school students here at the Chapel so please let them know you are here!! When: Sunday Aug. 24th immediately after the 9am service. Join us for church and then come socialize, eat and have fun! Parents, would you please sign up here to bring some brunch items? Thank you!

Bible Memory Verse – Play with a Full Deck!
Whatever you do, do it with all your heart. ~ Colossians 3:23
You can find each week’s Bible memory verse here.


last chance camping tripsunday school

sunday school

sunday school

Chapel News & Events

Request for Board Member Nominations
The Nominating Committee is meeting to go through the annual process to recommend a slate of qualified Candidates for the Board of Trustees to consider for Election. If elected by the Board, terms are generally for 3 years, and are staggered so that only a portion of the Board expires each year.

The Board is a “Working Board” and is responsible for governing the affairs of the Chapel. Participation as a Board Member requires a variety of skill sets, significant time commitment, ability to function well in group dynamics, accept responsibility, and of course, a committed relationship to Jesus Christ. It is not just an honorary position. Nor is it meant to be a popularity contest.

The Nominating Committee will be seeking well qualified Candidates, go through a vetting process and then provide a slate of candidates for the Board to hold an election later this year.

The election may annually provide from three to five new board members. Candidates should understand that not all nominees will necessarily be elected.

With all that being said, the Chapel needs to continue to maintain a vital, enthusiastic, and strategically successful Board to best govern the Snowmass Chapel’s affairs and its wonderful programs so that we can continue to grow and be an even more positive influence for our families and our community.

We suggest you get a person’s permission before you nominate them. Self-nominations are welcome.

Nominating Committee

Joan Bemis, Chair
Kathy Arnold
Nancy Ferguson
Jim Light
Mike Otte
Ellie Striegler
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Shop on Amazon? Help the Chapel by using Amazon Smile!
Log on to Amazon Smile (for free, with your regular Amazon log in) and select Snowmass Chapel. By doing so, and shopping this way, you will be helping the Chapel earn money. For each “eligible” sale, 0.5% will donated to the Chapel! So shop away and benefit the Chapel.Click here to get started! If you have any questions or want help, feel free to contact Caroline.

The Hiking Group is Hitting the Trails – Join Us!
Weekly hikes take place in and around Snowmass and usually last 1-3 hours. The group has hiked up Government Trail, up Snowmass Mountain to Elk Camp, and the Rim Trail to name a few. Please join us – the more the merrier! Contact Sally Sparhawk to get on the list and receive weekly hike updates. Happy Trails! Contact Sally Sparhawk or call 970-618-1442.

This Week at the Chapel

Thursday, August 21

AA Meeting 12 Noon – 12:45pm “Lunch Crunch” meeting in the Fireside Room

Sunday, August 24

Christian Worship 9:00am in the Chapel
Special Music this Sunday will be the Snowmass Chapel Gospel Choir and Michael Schoepe will be the Song Leader.

Fellowship/social time with refreshments 10:00am following Sunday morning service

Thursday, August 28

AA Meeting 12 Noon – 12:45pm “Lunch Crunch” meeting in the Fireside Room

“The Story” Small Group 6:30pm in the Gnar-nia Room

Weekly Scripture

O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.

KJV, Psalm 96:1

Reaching Us
we’d love to hear from you

Robert, Senior Pastor
[email protected]

Charla, Director of Children, Youth and Families
[email protected]

Caroline, Administrative Director
[email protected]

Paul, Music/IT Director
[email protected]

Sue, Volunteer and Events Coordinator
[email protected]

Kara and Adam Gilbert, Snowmass Chapel Teen Leaders
[email protected], [email protected]


Snowmass Chapel
t 970.923.6192

f 866.334.2557
P.O. Box 17169
5307 Owl Creek Road
Snowmass Village, CO 81615

Sunday Bulletin Material Deadline
If you would like material to be printed in the Sunday bulletin,
please have it to Sue de Campo by 4pm on Wednesday
so she’ll have time to compile the bulletin. Thanks very much!
The Chapel Mountaineer Weekly
To love the Lord our God with all that we are, all that we have,
& all that we will become & to love others as ourselves
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