Good morning,
Please help me reach the Sarasota County Commissioners and SRQ Economic Development Corporation by signing the petition I created yesterday asking the county to #rescindrumblesarasota. Rumble is the only company in North America who continues to stream Putin’s propaganda while the people of Ukraine are being murdered.
Sarasota County tax dollars ($825K) should not be awarded to a Canadian company who streams American dangerous lugnuts such as Jan. 6th D.C. Insurrectionists, Steve Bannon, Michael Flynn and a host of other conspiracy crazies.
The county, the EDC and Rumble, never conclusively show in any of the county documents an accurate total number of jobs that will be created by Rumble moving to LongBoat Key. Just like Sanborn Studio, Tube Dude, Benderson’s SANCA water slush fund park, Rumble appears to be another stinker for Sarasota County.
Please sign my petition today, it is not too late for Sarasota County to rescind the Rumble contract.
Meanwhile, the people of Ukraine are being murdered. Sarasota County has NO business being in the corporate tax welfare business, especially if the project is tied to dangerous right wing extremism under the guise of free speech or liberty.
Thank you! We must help the world stop the murdering of the Ukrainian people.
Adrien Lucas
Sarasota County Commissioners and Ms. Krouse, President and CEO of the SRQ Economic Development Council,
It is not too late to rescind the unsigned contract with Rumble. Per my records request no such contract exists between Rumble. I will assume then that this is not a done deal. If this is indeed true (hard to really glean truth from the County Commissioners these days), well, if the contract has not been signed, then I urge all of you to reconsider this giant blunder and waste of county tax dollars.
The gravest issue is that Rumble continues to stream Putin’s propaganda and other American lugnuts who spew their conspiracy theories and dangerous rhetoric on Rumbles platform…meanwhile the people of Ukraine are being murdered.
How in the world could the Economic Development Corporation truly think that awarding Rumble $825K, a company that is broadcasting their financial success of now being available on NASDAQ, along with famous seed money funds from far right celebrities such as Peter Thiel, J.D. Vance (Wall Street Journal), needing corporate county welfare?
Sunshine laws in Florida certainly were broken or stretched to breaking by presenting this project anonymously as "Project Sunshine" and Commissioners, once again, you fell for the shiny bling without the EDC or yourselves really VETTING WHO OR WHAT this company is about.
Meanwhile, people and being murdered in Ukraine.
Please sign my petition today friends and let the people addressed in this email know that Sarasota County and EDC must #rescindrumblesarasota
Adrien Lucas
On Wed, Mar 9, 2022 at 8:33 AM Adrien Lucas <atomicholidaybazaar> wrote:
Dear County Sarasota Commissioners cc: political friends and allies, please share
Congratulations on your abysmal attempt to rescind Single Member Districts. I guess the people aren’t as stupid as you all claim.
I hope you enjoy the recent videos posted on Facebook under every rock and Sarasota group I can find in relation to the EDC funding to Rumble.
Propaganda and supporting it, has no business in county business. Will Virginia Haley of Visit Sarasota be able to use the tagline, "Visit Sarasota, the only city in America who streams Putin’s Propaganda!"
Expect droves of Americans and Ukrainians to be at the county building, expect a protest, expect a national petition, you all need to FIX THIS BLUNDER. This is not a good tourism look for Sarasota County.
Sarasota County supporting Rumble and Russia, by allowing a tech company to host Putin’s propaganda while in real time murderous, criminal war crimes are being commited by Putin is UNACCEPTABLE.
Rumble streaming January 6th D.C. insurrectionists, Steve Bannon and Michael Flynn on the county’s dime is not acceptable.
You all have the blood of Ukrainians on your hands if you continue to support Rumble.
Adrien Lucas
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