Enya has shared a second track from the upcoming album Dark Sky Island, out November 20. “So I Could Find My Way” follows the buoyantly optimistic lead single “Echoes In Rain” and is available to download and listen to now, and as an instant grat when you pre-order Dark Sky Island

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November 2, 2015 – Enya has shared a second track from the upcoming album Dark Sky Island, out November 20“So I Could Find My Way” follows the buoyantly optimistic lead single “Echoes In Rain” and is available to download and listen to now, and as an instant grat when you pre-order Dark Sky Island.
Listen/share “So I Could Find My Way”:
The Enya creative triumvirate – Enya, producer and sound engineer Nicky Ryan, and lyricist Roma Ryan – started work on the album in the spring of 2012. Inspired by Roma‘s work on a series of poetry books themed around islands and specifically the island of Sark‘s decision to be designated as a dark sky island, the album’s title track was the first song to be written for the collection.
Sonically, Dark Sky Island is a collection that’s both incredibly diverse and innately unified by the production: almost Spector-esque in its lavish, wide-screen multi-tracked layers of sound. “This album has a theme of journeys,” states Enya. “Journeys to the island; through the length of a lifetime; through history, through emotions; and journeys across great oceans. So although it’s not a ‘themed’ album, as such, we nevertheless have an underlying connection between songs.”
Dark Sky Island is available now to pre-order on CD physically and digitally, with “Echoes in Rain” and “So I Could Find My Way” provided as instant grat tracks for fans.
The full Dark Sky Island tracklisting is:

1.     The Humming

2.     So I Could Find My Way

3.     Even in the Shadows

4.     The Forge of the Angels

5.     Echoes in Rain

6.     I Could Never Say Goodbye

7.     Dark Sky Island

8.     Sancta Maria

9.     Astra et Luna

10.  The Loxian Gates

11.  Diamonds on the Water


In : Music

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