West Coast WOMAN 7/17

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west coast WOMAN 7/17
Dear WCW Reader,
Louise Bruderle
Louise Bruderle
A face familiar to many of you is now at the helm of the Selby Foundation…
The William G. and Marie Selby Foundation has a new steward and her name is Carol Butera. Most recently Carol was Vice President of Children First. Her immediate predecessor is Dr. Sarah Pappas, who has begun a non-profit consulting practice, and previously, Debra Jacobs, now President and CEO of the Patterson Foundation. ” This from this month’s WCW profile by Carol Darling.

        “Since 1955, the William G. and Marie Selby Foundation has

Carol Butera

awarded more than $120 million in grants to assist nonprofits in carrying out their missions in Sarasota, Manatee, Charlotte, and DeSoto counties. 

      Selby Foundation has also provided college scholarships to help more than 5,000 undergraduate students achieve their edu- cational aspirations,” the article continues.
      Welcome aboard, Carol! We can’t wait to see what your vision for Selby Foundation will be. 
     Read her profile in July’s WCW by clicking HERE or read it at our web site by clicking HERE.
Carol’s photos are by EVELYN ENGLAND .
Louise Bruderle, Publisher
Coming up….
August & Sept.

* Bonus Circulation
* Education news & features
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Some of Our July Features…
focus on the arts
FSU/Asolo Conservatory’s Dog Days Theatre Kicks Off with RELATIVELY SPEAKING
FSU/Asolo Conservatory for Actor Training kicks off the inaugural season of Dog Days Theatre, a new theater project offering contemporary works just light enough for the dog days of summer, with Tony Award and Laurence Olivier Award-winning British playwright Alan Ayckbourn’s bright and brassy comedy RELATIVELY SPEAKING.

Directed by former FSU/Asolo Conservatory acting professor Brendon Fox, the play runs through Sunday, July 30 in the Cook Theatre, located in the FSU Center for Performing Arts. Tickets: www.asolorep.org

       To read the WCW article, click HERE
Looking for fun things to do?
WCW out & about events calendar
Truman Capote

Summer doldrums? Nah, there’s lots going on…you just need to know where to look…as in WCW’s Out&About column. 

Portraits At The Ringling 
The Ringling has a photography exhibit “Portraits” that runs to October 29, 2017.
   Includes works by August Sander, Andy Warhol, Mike Disfarmer, Cindy Sherman, and Diane Arbus among others. Info: 941-359-5700.
Above: Richard Avedon’s portrait of Truman Capote. 1967.
To view our Calendar of events, click HERE

dining in
Cool Food for Hot Days and Nights
Lighter dishes that are easy to make, too

Salsas, salads and cool soups are featured in WCW’s Dining In column this month.

Check out the recipes and be prepared to spend LESS time in the kitchen!
To read the article (and get the recipes)…click HERE
Left: papaya salad
Are YOU in the News?
Tammy Halstead
See if  you’re in our “You’re News” column in West Coast Woman…like Tammy Halstead at the Players Centre
To read this month’s You’re News column, click HERE…  and maybe you’ll see someone you know!
Got a promotion, new job, new business? Send WCW your news. Send to: [email protected]
Get to Know Bertha Palmer
Bertha Palmer

The Venice Area Historical Society and the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Venice has this lecture: “Bertha Palmer And Her Family In Sarasota, 1910-1982” on July 11, 1:30 p.m. at UUCOV Sanctuary, 1971 Pinebrook Rd., Venice. Free & open to all.

      Presenter: Dr. Frank Cassell, Professor of History and President Emeritus, Univ. of Pittsburgh at Greensburg, and Chair of the History and Preservation Coalition of Sarasota County.
Literacy Council of Sarasota Tutor Training
The Literacy Council of Sarasota (LCS) has tutor training for volunteers who want to share their love of reading. Volunteers receive 18 hrs. of interactive ProLiteracy-certified instruction in 3 weekday sessions which includes an initial orientation.
         Sessions will focus on teaching adult learners to read, write, comprehend and speak better in English. Training is on July 11 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.; July 13 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., and July 18, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Space is limited; pre-registration required. Call 955-0421. Offered at the Literacy Council of Sarasota (Glasser-Schoenbaum), Bldg J, 1750 17th St., Sarasota.


Let’s see if you’re paying attention…
WCW Super Summer Sale…
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Back in the WCW Way Back Machine…
Recognize this WCW? We profiled her back in the ’90s…active with too many organizations to list…but a few have been SPARCC, Asolo, Sarasota Film Festival, Designing Women, Community AIDS Network…
         Here she’s shown with WCW Publisher Louise Bruderle. Know who this lovely, funny, sweet and generous woman is? If you want to venture a guess…email us at westcoastwoman….
Look for more flashbacks next month and on the West Coast Woman facebook page.
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Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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