Weekly News: Upcoming events, programs and more!

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Collections Connection

Welcome to our monthly blog, Collections Connection, the place where you can take a peek behind the scenes to see what the SFM Collections Department is up to. Find out about the issues that are relevant to curators today. Topics range from proper object preservation methods, to research we are working on about our objects, to exhibitions development and more. You can also get up close with many of the artifacts we discuss in Collections Connection by visiting our Collections Connection case at the South Florida Museum located on the first floor outside of East Gallery.


Collections Connection is written by Tiffany Birakis. Tiffany is a native Bradentonian, anthropologist, and curator for the South Florida Museum, where she works to preserve and tell the stories of the objects in her care.


Tiffany Birakis

Assistant Curator of Collections and Exhibitions

Contact: [email protected]


July 2014

“Home Sweet Home”

Currently our SFM Collections Department is hard at work rehousing many of our artifacts. We are taking objects from their previous storage situations and upgrading them into new more suitable ones. When objects are not out on exhibition, they rest in our collections storage areas, and actually it is where they spend most of their time. That is why it is important that we keep them in archival conditions. This means the materials we use to keep them in are inert and will not be destructive to the object we are trying to preserve.


So what goes into rehousing collections objects at SFM?


Each object has individual factors to consider. Recently we rehoused our collection of Native American moccasins from the American Northern Plains region…


Click here to continue reading

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July 9 at 7 pm

“The Cool Course in Beverage Product Development, Torturing Fruit, and Bourbon in 7 Days with Craig Philipp”

On the second Wednesday of each month, from 7 to 9 pm, we transform the Bishop Planetarium into a forum for discussions at think + drink (science), a place where you can grab a beer or a glass of wine (or a soft drink) and learn about cutting-edge science in a relaxed, informal setting.

Wednesday, July 9, 7 pm: “The Cool Course in Beverage Product Development, Torturing Fruit, and Bourbon in 7 Days with Craig Philipp” – Coffee, tea, Gatorade, orange juice – sweet drinks keep our body hydrated and our mouths happy. But what really goes into creating these tasty beverages? Dr. Craig Philipp, Associate Professor of chemistry and Natural Science Division Head at Hanover College in Indiana, can tell you all about what’s in your cup.  With five years at Tropicana and years of experience in the “flavor industry,” Dr. Philipp works to teach his students what those long ingredients on your label actually do for your drink. Come enjoy a selection of special drinks including a taste of Dr. Philipp’s latest project: 7 day Bourbon.


Museum Members – $2
Non-Members – $4

Paid reservations required; please RSVP by clicking here or call us at 941-746-4131, ext. 17. 

Please arrive promptly: Pre-purchased program seats will be held until 5 minutes prior to program start time ONLY, at which time they may be released for re-sale.

Sponsored in part by


Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. 

NEW “Music & Movies” Series!
Our Dancing Daughters
Music @ 6 pm / Movie @ 7 pm
The South Florida Museum is pleased to present Film Fridays, our exciting film program presenting the best movies you’ve (n)ever seen – most Fridays at 6 pm. Don’t forget to join us early for our selection of beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks available for purchase. Please note: the theater may be cold, sweaters or jackets are recommended. 


“Music & Movies” – most Fridays, July 11 – September 19 with music at 6 pm and screenings at 7 pm. 

Enjoy watching your favorite American musicians on the big screen in these intriguing and insightful documentaries that will have your toes tapping and fingers snapping! Everyone from Elvis to Neil Young to the Ramones are featured in these rollicking portraits of American musical excellence.  Join us early for LIVE MUSIC presented in partnership with Realize Bradenton, the Bradenton Downtown Development Authority, and the Del Couch Music Education Foundation.

This week’s film:

Friday, July 11 – Our Dancing Daughters (1928) Not Rated, 97 minutes. Even those who may not recall the plot of this silent classic of the Jazz Age will never forget the indelible images of Joan Crawford tearing loose with one Charleston after another. During this special presentation, the film’s original music-only track will be replaced with live musical accompaniment by Peter Tavalin. 


This week’s live pre-screening music by Peter Tavalin. 



Museum Members – $3

Non-Members – $5

Paid reservations required; please RSVP by clicking here or call us at 941-746-4131, ext. 17. 

Please arrive promptly: Pre-purchased program seats will be held until 5 minutes prior to program start time ONLY, at which time they may be released for re-sale.


Remaining Films in the series:
July 25 – Pete Seeger: The Power of Song (2007)
Music Performance by Matt Waldon & Friends.

August 1 – Muscle Shoals (2013)

Music Performance by David Smash.

August 8 – Twenty Feet from Stardom (2013)

Music Performance by The Glee Club.

August 15 – The Last Waltz (1978)

Music Performance by The Billy Rice Band.

August 22 – Elvis: That’s the Way It Is (1970)

Music Performance by The Wright Band.

August 29 – Neil Young: Heart of Gold (2006)

Music Performance The Other Ryan Willis.

Sept. 5 – Shut Up and Sing (2006)

Music Performance by Brooke Bonderer Band.

Sept. 12 – End of the Century: The Story of the Ramones (2003)

  Music Performance by Tony Tyler Band.

Sept. 19 – Thelonious Monk: Straight, No Chaser (1988)

Music Performance by Intuit.


For full detailed listings and reservations, click here.

Sponsored in part by

Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture. 

Share Your Story: How Has Snooty Touched Your Life? 

Share your thoughts and memories with us on Facebook for the chance to win tickets to visit the Museum!


The Museum is asking all of our friends and fans to share their memories of Snooty on our Facebook page. Each Tuesday, we’ll ask for more thoughts – and each week until his birthday, we’ll choose one winner for tickets to the Museum. Click here to share on this week’s post. We may also share your memories with our fans and save them for our archives.

Highlights from Last Week’s Facebook Memories:

First met Snooty when my 4th grade class took a field trip to the museum in 58 or 59! He’s about a year older than I!

– Linda R.


In 2010 I first learned about Snooty and was fascinated with “Snooty facts,” and very much wanted to make his 62nd birthday party. Instead, I ended up in the hospital in a coma and almost didn’t make it. Every year since I have made it a point to attend Snooty’s party because that was one of the things on my “to do” list before I became deathly ill. To me, Snooty symbolizes a calm, serene strength, graceful beauty and longevity. He’s become my personal mascot who symbolizes being able to beat all odds.

– Angie B.


I met Snooty 35 years ago. I would vacation with my Dad to visit my grandparents in Bradenton on our way to the keys every Easter.I was 8 when I saw him first & the 7 years after until I was 15. Every time I saw something about manatees, I would clip it & save it. Later when I was 21 I had an experience with an Indian guide to find my guardian animal. In my dream was a manatee floating in the air in a clearing in a forest. That year I took a vacation to see my grandparents & visited snooty once again & bought a manatee charm to wear on my neck in Sarasota. 

– Richard L.

My grandmother used to take my cousin and I every summer. I would love to share the experience with my twin girls!

– Chelsea H. 


My husband and I were married at the museum in October of 2001 and of course we sent snooty an invitation so his lights would be on. We try to come to his birthday every year, and this year we are expecting our first child in July. I can’t wait for her to meet Snooty.

– Karissa M.

Snooty has been touching the lives of those who visit him at the South Florida Museum since his arrival here as a baby (a large baby!) of only 11 months old in 1949. Carrie Yearwood’s life was changed by Snooty when she was a child in Bradenton. 

“When I was in 4th grade, many moons ago, my family moved from Ohio to Sarasota. My first field trip at my new school was to go see Snooty. What an impression he made on me. When I got my first driver’s license, the first place I drove my mother to was to see Snooty. My mom and I started reading about manatees and their plight. I realized that these gentle giants were in great need of protection. This started the yearly traditional pilgrimage to visit Snooty with my mom. 


I invite you to join me in supporting Snooty and the Manatee Care Program at the South Florida Museum so that other people can have memories as wonderful as mine.” 

                      ~ Carrie Yearwood


If you are a fan of Snooty and the rehab manatees, please consider making a gift today – it will be doubled! 

  • $30 – Buy a case of lettuce for the Manatees
  • $75 – Buy Snooty’s lettuce for a day
  • $100 – Buy all Snooty’s lettuce and veggies for a day
  • $250 – Feed Snooty, Ace and Myakklemore for a day
  • $500 – Feed Snooty for (almost) a week
  • $1,000 – Fresh, clean water for the manatees to swim in for a week

Please click here to make your tax-deductible gift.

If you would like to Double Your Good, click here to donate now or visit us online for more information here.

Only Two More Weeks of Summer Science Camp!

The Museums final weeks of Elementary and Middle School Camps are still taking enrollments – REGISTER NOW!


This year the South Florida Museum is offering camp for students entering grades 6-8! We offer camps for students entering grades 2 – 5 and 6 concurrent weeks of camps for students entering grades 6 – 8, each week with a new and exciting theme! Camps take place Monday through Friday from 9 am – 4 pm. Snacks are provided but students must bring their own lunches. More information about themes and pricing is provided below. Scholarships are available for middle school students. Contact Sue McCarthy at 941-746-4131, ext. 13 for more information.

Week 5 (July 14 – 18): Monsters of Our Seas– Imagine you are a sailor on the ancient seas discovering for the first time the “monsters” living beneath the dark waters…sharks, whales, octopus, giant squid just to name a few. What’s out there in the DEEPEST waters? Come and explore the depths of our oceans from the safe, dry classroom.

Week 6 (July 21 – 25): Planets, Planets Everywhere! – Scientists are finding new planets orbiting other stars every day! These extra-solar or exo-planets come in all sizes, some even resemble our own earth. Travel around our own solar system, Milky Way galaxy and universe in the Bishop Planetarium for a truly “out of this world” experience!

Week 5 (July 14 – 18): Space and Spray Paint Equals Spectacular – Discover space, its mysteries and beauty, and create images of new worlds through fun spray paint techniques that capture the feel of far away galaxies! Students team up to videotape one another’s explanation and demonstration of the process. Learn about our solar system and reproduce it on corded wrist or ankle bracelets using colorful polymer clay, formed and baked in class. Work as a team to design and construct a futuristic home or business, complete with sculpted plasticene clay inhabitants.

Week 6 (July 21 – 25): Eagles, Panthers, and Bears, Oh My! -Explore Florida’s animals while working as a group to construct a unique 8′ x 4′ replica of Florida, molding these animals and others into 3 dimensional relief and merging them to form the shape of the state. This dynamic project will be displayed temporarily on the grounds of the South Florida Museum for the public’s enjoyment.


Contact us about scholarship opportunities! Registration requires a $50 non-refundable deposit per session selected, and will be accepted by mail (check or credit card) or fax (credit card) only. A registration form and medical release form are required. Space is limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis.

South Florida Museum Members qualify for the Member rate. Members enrolling more than one camper also enjoy a reduced rate for additional campers.

Museum Member Camp………………$180/session  

Member Additional Camp…………….$155/session 

Non-Member Camp……………………$225/session

The Museum will accept checks (made out to ‘South Florida Museum’) or Visa/MC. Full payment for camp session is due by the first day of camp, but will be accepted at time of registration. Full refunds will be made if the Museum cancels a session. Camp fees, less your non-refundable deposit, will be refunded if you cancel 30 days prior to your camp session

Financial Assistance may be available to help subsidize fees. Registration forms are available online – click here for elementary level / click here for Middle School Level.


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In This Issue:
NEW! Collections Connection Blog
think + drink (science)
Film Fridays – New Series!
Share Your Story: Carrie’s Match for the Manatees
Summer Camps
Program Calendar
Program Calendar
Volunteer Central
Museum Store
Snooty Cam
Museum Hours
Museum Awards
Museum Affiliations

Snooty’s Birthday Card Contest Winners Have Been Selected!
Winners will be announced at Snooty’s 66th Birthday Bash and Wildlife Awareness Festival on Saturday, July 19
Museum Camp Director Sarah Hammock, Museum Supporters Carrie Yearwood and Leah Witt, and Bradenton Herald Education Editor Toni Whitt with several card entries.
The official deadline for entries to Snooty’s 66th Birthday Bash Card Contest was last Saturday, July 5th – and the winners have already been selected! 
A panel of expert judges comprised of the Museum’s Camp Director Sarah Hammock, Museum Supporter Carrie Yearwood and friend Leah Witt, and Bradenton Herald Education Editor Toni Whitt met on Monday to review the entries and make their selections. First, Second and Third Place Winners were chosen in four age categories – with several honorable mentions also selected.
The winners will be announced at Snooty’s 66th Birthday Bash, Arts & Wildlife Awareness Festival on Saturday, July 19th. The award presentation will take place in the Spanish Courtyard immediately after the crowd sings “Happy Birthday” to Snooty.
If you haven’t made Snooty a card for 66th birthday yet, don’t fret – there’s still time to send some cheer. We would love to receive your birthday wishes for the big guy and will display them all during Snooty’s Birthday Bash!

Events & Programs Calendar
Click here to view our upcoming calendar of events and programs. Call 941-746-4131, ext. 17 for more information.
Upcoming July Programs:
Snooty’s 66th Birthday Bash, Arts & Wildlife Awareness Festival
Saturday, July 19 from 10 am – 2 pm

Join Snooty on Saturday, July 19, 2014 from 10 am until 2 pm at the South Florida Museum, Bishop Planetarium and Parker Manatee Aquarium. This annual event will celebrate Snooty’s 66th birthday and promote wildlife awareness. The event held in the Spanish Plaza and in front of the Museum on 10th Street West is FREE from 10 am to 2 pm for all Snooty’s friends and fans. (Half priced admission to the Museum, Planetarium & Aquarium all day.)  Click here for more information.

Wednesday, July 23, 7 pm

“Summer Sun and Stars with Sam” 

Join us for our exciting live star talk
Stelliferous Live, this month with special guest presenter Samantha Sprague, the Museum’s Curator of Education. Stelliferous Live takes place the fourth Wednesday of every month at 7 pm in the Bishop Planetarium. This month, we’ll take a look at the upcoming month’s night skies and discuss special topics in summer astronomy. Tickets are $2 for Museum Members, $4 for Non-members. Click here to RSVP. 

Click here for a full schedule of public program events and for more informationor call 941-746-4131, ext. 17 for info or to RSVP for any program.

CALLING ALL VOLUNTEERS! Snooty’s Birthday Bash Is Right Around the Corner and We Need YOUR Help

Snooty’s 66th Birthday Bash and Wildlife Awareness Festival is coming up on July 19th – and, as always, we’ll need all of our volunteers, supporters and community partners to help us celebrate his big day! Indoor and outdoor volunteer opportunities are available. Please contact us soon if you would like to help us throw a party for the world’s oldest manatee. We can’t do it without support from people like you!


For more info [email protected].


For more information about volunteer opportunities at the Museum, click here

Pick up Your Copy of Snooty’s Memory Book at the Museum Store!

Snooty’s Memory Book is a great way for fans and families to learn about Snooty’s life and history – and to recall their own stories about Snooty from throughout the year! Stop by the Museum Store to pick up your Snooty book before his big 66th Birthday Bash!


And of course, don’t forget to browse all of the great adult and children’s apparel, games, toys, and astronomy, history and science accessories that you’ve come to love.


The Museum Store is open during all normal Museum hours (see above), no admission required.


For more information or to place an order visit SouthFloridaMuseum.org.

Snooty Cam graphic
Watch Snooty via the Snooty Cam

Check on wild manatees released from the South Florida Museum and other rehabilitation facilities at ManateeRescue.org.

Hours and Info
Current Museum Hours:
Monday through Saturday:
10 am to 5 pm
Sunday: Noon to 5 pm
 (Open Mondays in July)
2014 Admission Prices:

Adults – $18
Seniors (65+) – $16
Children (4-12) – $14
Children 3 and under – Free with paying adult
Museum Members – Free
(click here for details)
Active Military / Florida Teachers –Free with proper ID
Combo Tickets are also available for the South Florida Museum and the Da Vinci Machines Exhibition, click here for more information.

2014 Tampa Bay Business Journal Nonprofit of the Year Award Winner in Arts, Humanities & Culture
2014 Certificate of Excellence Winner
Have you rated the South Florida Museum on TripAdvisor yet? Click here or the image above to visit the Museum’s TripAdvisor pageand read our reviews – or submit your own!

South Florida Museum Memberships and Affiliations:



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The South Florida Museum’s Mission: To engage and inspire learners of all ages; we protect, interpret and communicate scientific and cultural knowledge of Florida, the world, and our universe.
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