Logic would dictate that the last thing you want right now is another snow day.
And we feel you. We really do.
But what if that snow day came with a maple grilled cheese and pulled pork pancake popper?
Because this one does: Snow Day, a mobile purveyor of delicious comfort eats, debuting tomorrow at the Union Square Greenmarket.
Snow Day is the first food truck by do-gooders Drive Change, a social enterprise dedicated to giving jobs, skills and opportunity to formerly incarcerated youths. So, you know, heartwarming.

Also gut warming, as it turns out these previously wayward kids make a helluva grilled cheese – gooey cheddar between two slices of crispy whole wheat, drizzled with Snow Day’s signature ingredient, NY maple syrup.
The full menu is right this way. We dare your mouth not to water.

And should you be in need of something purely sweet, Snow Day’s namesake treat is maple syrup poured over fresh snow.
A quick gander at Snow Day’s Twitter feed’ll let you know when they’re in your neck of the woods.
This is the only snow day you’ll pray arrives as soon as possible.