Welcome to Camp Wonderland! We’re an authentic Summer Camp experience, for adults, in a bar! Sing-a-longs, comedic takes on childhood activities, faux spirituality exercises, stand up comedy, and free bug juice (with rum for that extra kick).
Please mention us! We’re fun, we’re free, and we’re sure you’ll have a camperific time!
The Summer Camp show features some of Washington DC’s finest performers:
Natalie McGill (DC Improv; Redacted Tonight on the RT Network)
Alyssa Cowan (Laugh Your Asheville Off Comedy Festival)
Romane Walters (Romane & Lettuce)
Nate Johnson (Drafthouse Theater)
Josh Kuderna (Magooby’s Joke House)
Simone Sephiroth (DC Improv)
Brandon Fisher & CJ Kirkwood (Comedic Intent Podcast)
Music from:
Bri Lux, Michelle Terry, Glen Hawkins
Admission is FREE, and we provide attendees with free adult bug juice (Rum and Ocean Spray Cranberry).
The show is Wednesday January 11th, 8pm, at the Wonderland Ballroom.
The event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/366643737043822/
The show’s website: https://www.facebook. com/summercampshow