The Royal Guard

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The Royal Guard

The Royal Guard is Todd Davidson (Lead Vocals, Guitar), Andy Ascolese (Guitar, Vocals), Fred Scragg (Drums). Upon returning back home to NYC after living 5 years in Eastern Europe, Todd was ready to create exciting music that can reach people.  First he called Fred. They worked great together but something was missing. The next call was to Andy and everything started falling into place.

When The Royal Guard completed their debut album Showdown, in 2009,they traveled to Eastern Europe, to a country called Estonia. “It was so amazing how we were received” said Andy. “We played in front of these people for the first time ever and they immediately followed us around the country until we left.”

When they came home from touring, the band had to pull through with it’s share of hardships.  They had to watch Todd loose his mom after a long battle with cancer while their drummer was fighting the same fight, going through series of radiation and chemo. These events halted the band for a season, but didn’t stop them.  Quite contrary, it gave them inspiration for some new music.

After a few months of pre- production, in 2013, The Royal Guard started recording their sophomore effort “Hail The King.” These songs are powerful. These are the songs that the band turned to in the tough times they were going through. This is a different band than the one that was on Showdown. “These are songs of Hope” the bands says. “These songs helped us heal, let us blow off steam, and they give us hope. And we feel that they can do the same for others.”
The new album is produced by Andy and co-produced/engineered by Andrew Gearhart (Matt &Kim/ Micheal Franti/ Young The Giant). “We were able to get an amazing sound in my parent’s house” Gearhart laughs. “This is a homemade album,” he continues “but I don’t think anyone would be able to tell.”

The guys are back and they are more determined than ever, playing local clubs and venues, and putting on an amazing live show.

This is The Royal Guard.



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