What Does the Staff Do While the Museum is Closed on Mondays Until January?

Assistant Curator of Exhibitions and Collections Tiffany Birakis cleans a Museum diorama while guests are not visiting the Museum.
The South Florida Museum is closed on Mondays during the months of May, June, and August through December. While saving the Museum utilities and some staffing costs during slower months, this also allows the collections and facilities staff to carry out important cleaning and maintenance projects during normal, daytime hours without interfering with Museum visitors.
Assistant Curator of Exhibitions and Collections Tiffany Birakis has been carefully cleaning and maintaining the Museum’s permanent exhibitions. Using gloves and a mask, she delicately cleans the exhibitions of dust, foreign objects and debris and maintains their display conditions. Meanwhile, Tiffany is working to catalog and preserve the Museum’s collections, much of which is not currently on display. She has described this process in the Collections Connection blog.
Additionally, the Museum’s facilities staff uses this time for building maintenance and upgrade projects. The facilities department is currently continuing their work in replacing the traditional light bulbs which have historically been used in the Museum’s exhibition and collections spaces with LED bulbs. This change helps to protect the objects in the Museum’s collection, while also saving on energy and materials costs.

Bill Puchalski replaces LED lights in the Museum’s exhibitions.
We appreciate our patrons’ consideration of the Museum schedule and look forward to welcoming you through our doors six days a week until January! If you have any questions about Museum hours or exhibitions, please visit SouthFloridaMuseum.org or call 941-746-4131, ext. 0.
This Friday, August 22
7 pm Elvis: That’s the Way It Is
with Live Musical Performance by The Wright Band at 6 pm
The South Florida Museum is pleased to present Film Fridays, our exciting film program presenting the best movies you’ve (n)ever seen – most Fridays at 6 pm. Don’t forget to join us early for our selection of beer, wine, soft drinks and snacks available for purchase. Please note: the theater may be cold, sweaters or jackets are recommended.
“Music & Movies” – most Fridays through September 19 with music at 6 pm and screenings at 7 pm.

Enjoy watching your favorite American musicians on the big screen in these intriguing and insightful documentaries that will have your toes tapping and fingers snapping! Everyone from Elvis to Neil Young to the Ramones are featured in these rollicking portraits of American musical excellence. Join us early for LIVE MUSIC presented in partnership with Realize Bradenton, the Bradenton Downtown Development Authority, and the Del Couch Music Education Foundation.
Museum Members – $3
Non-Members – $5
THIS WEEK’S FILM IS SOLD OUT – Please make reservations for future weeks; please RSVP by clicking here or call us at 941-746-4131, ext. 17.
Please arrive promptly: Pre-purchased program seats will be held until 5 minutes prior to program start time ONLY, at which time they may be released for re-sale.
Live Music will begin at 6 pm featuring a The Wright Band from the Del Couch Music Education Foundation.
This week’s film starting at 7 pm: Elvis: That’s the Way It Is – (1970) Rated PG, 97 minutes.

After a decade on hiatus while making movies, Elvis Presley is back for a show-stopping concert in Vegas – and he’s got a fancy new jumpsuit to mark the occasion. Follow Elvis throughout the rehearsal process as he prepares for his big return to the stage. Includes performances of more than 25 classic hits including “Love Me Tender,” “All Shook Up” and “Suspicious Minds.”
Sponsored in part by
Sponsored in part by the State of Florida, Department of State, Division of Cultural Affairs and the Florida Council on Arts and Culture.
Preserving Eden: the Photography of Clyde Butcher
Exhibition Curated by the Museum Continues to Travel Nationally
Clyde Butcher with photographs from the exhbition.
In addition to the permanent collection of exhibits on display at the Museum and the on-going special exhibitions that the Museum hosts, the South Florida Museum is very happy to have created a traveling version of an exhibition that was developed in cooperation between the Museum and Florida photographer Clyde Butcher. Preserving Eden: Clyde Butcher’s Florida Photographs has been traveling around the state and nationally.
The exhibition is currently on view at The Ward Museum of Wildlife Art in Salsbury, Maryland where it will be on exhibit until September 28, 2014. Preserving Eden will also be at the Coral Springs Museum of Art from September 26 – November 22, 2014. It is then scheduled to appear at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens beginning in November through February of next year, and at the Museum of Florida History in Tallahassee from April through July of 2015.
Please call 941-746-4131, ext. 0 or visit SouthFloridaMuseum.org for more information regarding our traveling and temporary exhibitions.
Snooty’s Gala 2014
“Shaken, Not Stirred”

For more information, contact Laurie Voight at 941-746-4131, ext. 17 or by email at [email protected].

Please consider supporting our Corporate Partners

Events & Programs Calendar
Click here to view our upcoming calendar of events and programs. Call 941-746-4131, ext. 17 for more information.
Upcoming Programs:
Join us for our exciting live star talk, Stelliferous Live with Jeff Rodgers, Director of the Bishop Planetarium. Each month, we’ll take a look at the upcoming month’s night skies, then enjoy a discussion about current events in astronomy. Past topics include the Higgs Boson, the search for extrasolar planets and the future of space exploration. $2 for Museum Members, $4 for Non-members. Click here to purchase tickets.
Click here for a full schedule of public program events and for more information or call 941-746-4131, ext. 17 for info or to RSVP for any program.
The Festive Season is Fast Approaching – Have You Found a Venue for Your Holiday Soiree or Office Party Yet?
Are you looking for a location to host a party or event? The South Florida Museum offers a unique combination of aesthetic and practical amenities sure to make any event a memorable occasion. Contact our Facility Rental department today to learn about the options for your office or family holiday party – or any other event you’d like to make extra special at the Museum! We have spaces to fit most sizes of groups.
Click here for details or contact Laurie Voight at [email protected] or 941-746-4131, ext. 17.
Check on wild manatees released from the South Florida Museum and other rehabilitation facilities at ManateeRescue.org.
Current Museum Hours:
Tuesday through Saturday:
10 am to 5 pm
Sunday: Noon to 5 pm
(Closed Mondays until January)
2014 Admission Prices:
Adults – $18
Seniors (65+) – $16
Children (4-12) – $14
Children 3 and under – Free with paying adult
Active Military / Florida Teachers – Free with proper ID
For more info, call 941-746-4131, ext. 0 or visit SouthFloridaMuseum.org.
2014 Tampa Bay Business Journal Nonprofit of the Year Award Winner in Arts, Humanities & Culture
2014 Certificate of Excellence Winner
South Florida Museum Memberships and Affiliations:
Staff List –
Click name to email or call us at
(941) 746-4131
Director of Exhibitions and Chief Curator, ext. 37
Tiffany Birakis
Assistant Curator of Exhibitions & Collections, ext. 16
Ellen Ferraro
Annual Fund Manager, ext. 11
Development Researcher, ext. 51
Curator of Education, ext. 31
Administrative and Development Coordinator, ext. 17
Connect with Us:
The South Florida Museum’s Mission: To engage and inspire learners of all ages; we protect, interpret and communicate scientific and cultural knowledge of Florida, the world, and our universe.