South Florida Author Releases Bombshell New Book on How to Drink Beer and not Gain Weight

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Bombshell new book reveals how to drink beer and not gain weight, now available on Amazon

BOCA RATON, FLA (July 2020) – It’s good for what “ales” you!

Health “SuperWriter” GaryGreenberg solves one of mankind’s most oppressive problems in his transformative new book, The Beer Diet: How to Drink Beer and Not Gain Weight, now available on Amazon via Cosmic Cafe Press, which can be seen here. As a way of giving back, Greenberg will donate a percentage of proceeds from book sales to his local food bank nonprofit, Boca Helping Hands.

“The Beer Diet is not a matter of drinking beer and consuming nothing else, though the concept is intriguing,” says Greenberg, an award-winning journalist, rugby player and beer aficionado. “Rather it is a blueprint for how beer-lovers can drink up without piling on pounds.”

The revelations come none too soon. With the explosion of the craft beer industry, more and more breweries are producing an ever-increasing variety of brews that may tickle the taste buds but are bad news for bellies. America is already in the throes of a devastating diabesity epidemic, and having more than 100 million beer-drinkers from sea to shining sea isn’t making matters any better. But it doesn’t have to be that way.

In The Beer Diet, Greenberg shows how making small adjustments to your diet and lifestyle can have a huge impact on your waistline. He’s a living example, downing plenty of high-calorie, high-carb craft beers, and boasting (a bit too much) about still fitting into his Size 32 rugby shorts.

“In covering the full spectrum of health issues, I’ve interviewed some of the top experts in the country, if not the world, learning about cutting-edge answers to age-old problems,” says Greenberg, a 66-year-old who still plays an occasional game of Old Boys rugby. “Much of it is focused on cellular health. Keep your cells happy and you don’t have to worry about things like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and beer bellies.”

The Beer Diet not only offers invaluable health tips but also pays homage to the world’s most popular beverage, and even shows you how to brew your own. It’s must-reading for anyone who enjoys tipping back a few – especially if it’s occasionally a few too many!

For more information on The Beer Diet by Gary Greenberg, follow the link to his website here and follow him on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.

Gary Greenberg was born and raised in the Philadelphia area. He attended Penn State University where he majored in rugby, beer and coeds, and miraculously graduated with a B.A. degree in journalism in 1976. He has now been writing professionally for more than 40 years, primarily as an award-winning newspaper reporter and editor. Since 1999, he has owned and operated the freelance writing service SuperWriter, Inc.

It wasn’t quite “love at first sip” when Gary was given a warm Miller High Life at age fourteen, but as an adult he quickly learned to appreciate the complex flavors of fine ales, and the warm and fuzzy feelings they impart. Upon hitting middle age, his beer consumption contributed to a slow but steady weight gain. Tapping into his knowledge of natural health, he adjusted his diet and lifestyle in ways that allow him to drink plenty of beer without gaining weight. In The Beer Diet, he reveals how he did it, and how others can have their beer and waistlines, too.

When Gary isn’t writing, he enjoys brewing his own beer, traveling off the beaten path, and hanging out at his Boca Raton, Florida, home with his eternally beautiful wife Nora. They have a grown son Glen as well as an assortment of pets, currently a rescue dog named Roxanne, birds Baba and Olaf, turtles Stella and Dottie, and bearded dragon lizard Klaus.

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