Snowmass Chapel offers LIVE STREAMING

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Snowmass Chapel: live the adventure
LIVE STREAMING VIDEO Sunday Mornings at 9 AM
Dear Donald,
Thanks to a generous donation from Gene & Dana Powell, Snowmass Chapel now offers LIVE STREAMING VIDEO on Sunday Mornings at 9 AM!  We believe that this new resource will be a special blessings for people who are traveling, home or hospital bound, in the military, schedule challenged, or feeling just plain antisocial!  Perhaps you know somebody who fits one of these categories?  Please feel free to share this e-mail with them by clicking the “forward this email” button at the bottom.  You don’t even have to tell them which category you think they fit–let them wonder!
So the big question is:  How do I find this super cool video?  The easiest way is to visit our website and click on the link at the top right that is labeled, “live stream, sunday morning @ 9am.”  You can also visit our YouTube page and watch it from there, allowing you to post comments and share the video via various social platforms.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q.  Do you post the WHOLE service?  
A. Yes, everything–LIVE AND UNCUT!
Q. What if I don’t want to watch the whole service?  What if I just want to watch the sermon or one of the music pieces?  
A. Later in the week, we edit out the sermon and music and post them separately.  Those can also be found on our YouTube page, or you can go to our website and click on “This Week’s Sermon.”
Q. What if I can’t be at my computer at 9 AM on Sunday–can I watch it later?  
A. Yes.  the live stream will be available for about 2 weeks after it is recorded.
Q. What if I want to see a video that is older than 2 weeks?  
A. All of our sermons and much of our music is available on YouTube and you can find it by topic or date by searching YouTube or by browsing our list of available videos.
Q.  Can I watch the video “full screen?”  
A.  Yes.  Just click the button in the lower right hand corner of the video with the arrows pointing outward and you *should* get a full screen version.
Q.  Can I watch the video on my portable device (iPad, iPhone, etc.)? 
A.  Absolutely.  Any device with YouTube capability can display our videos.
Q.  I have a technical question–who should I ask?
A.  Just reply to this e-mail or ask me.  I don’t promise that I can fix every technical problem, but I’ll do my best!
Do you have an idea or suggestion about how we can improve our Online Presence?  Just reply to this e-mail and I will bring your suggestion to our Staff Meeting for consideration.
Thanks for making Snowmass Chapel the special place that it is–everything that we do is made possible through your gifts of time, talents and other resources.  We are so grateful for YOU!
~Paul Dankers
Music & IT Director
Snowmass Chapel
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