Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) just introduced a bill to ban the brain-harming pesticide chlorpyrifos, which the new EPA Administrator failed to do earlier this year despite recommendations from agency scientists

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Urge your senator to support the Bill to ban chlorpyrifos

Senator Tom Udall (D-NM) just introduced a bill to ban the brain-harming pesticide chlorpyrifos, which the new EPA Administrator failed to do earlier this year despite recommendations from agency scientists.
This bill should have widespread, bipartisan support.
Please call your Senators’ offices with the simple message below (the capitol switchboard will connect you, call 202-224-3121). Then click through to send the more

The science is clear, chlorpyrifos is a neurotoxic pesticide that has been linked to learning disabilities, ADHD, and neurodevelopmental problems in children. The Mt. Sinai and Columbia scientific studies in urban areas in New York had such disturbing results, that the pesticide was banned for residential use in 2000. Sadly, it has continued to be approved for use in agriculture, where men, women and children are regularly exposed through contact with residue at work and in their homes and through drift from nearby fields. It has been known to drift as far as one mile.

Chlorpyrifos have been found on our food at 140 times over what EPA considers to be safe levels for children. And, it is found in our drinking water at levels that are unacceptable. After several decades of studies, EPA finally concluded in 2016 that food should no longer be produced with the use of this pesticide, and they decided to cancel all food tolerances of chlorpyrifos.

At a press conference in Washington, D.C. this week, FWAF staff participated with allies, including Earthjustice, Pesticide Action Network, United Farm Workers, PCUN, Green Latinos, LULAC, LCLAA, Learning Disabilities Association, Moms Clean Air Force and others to let EPA know that we would not accept this reversal of their decision. Make your voice heard now, and help stop this dangerous pesticide.
Please contact your senator

Farmworker Association of Florida
407-886-5151 |
Lake Apopka Farmworker Memorial Quilt Blog

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