Renee Di Pilato – new Director of Libraries and Historical Resources for Sarasota County

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west coast WOMAN 9/19
Dear WCW Reader,
Louise Bruderle
Louise Bruderle
Renee Di Pilato is the new Director of Libraries and Historical Resources for Sarasota County, having started in July. Previously, Renee was the deputy director of the Alexandria Library in Alexandria, Va., since 2014 and has nearly 20 years of professional library management experience. She follows in the footsteps of an equally skilled predecessor, Sarabeth Kalajian.
         We profiled Sarabeth after she came on board to lead Sarasota County’s library system in 1987. Sarabeth began her career with the Sarasota County Public Library System at the Venice Public Library as Youth Services Manager. In early 2001, Kalajian

Sarabeth Kalajian

assumed the position of Manager for the Fruitville Public Library. Sarabeth began serving as Director of Libraries and Historical Resources in Oct. 2006.

Sarabeth oversaw the building and opening of four new libraries: the Gulf

Renee Di Pilato

GateLibrary, the William H. Jervey, Jr. Venice Public Library, the Shannon Staub Library and the Osprey Library located at Historic Spanish Point.
Thus Renee has a solid system in place to work with and improve while adding her own personal vision. There’s been tremendous in the perception of libraries and the role they play in our lives and in our communities. A few have foolishly questioned their value under the assumption we’d all be reading e-books and all things digital on our devices exclusively. Wrong. Libraries can be great teachers and offer a community space -kind of like our park system but inside.
They have exceptional programming at all the Sarasota County libraries and the spaces are all up-to-date, bright and easy to use with helpful staff. Let’s not forget not everyone has internet service nor can afford to buy books and magazines and may need a place to go to be with others. And I do hope they bring back Sunday hours at the Selby Library downtown.

Louise Bruderle, Editor
 To read Renee’s profile, click HERE or find it at
 Renee’s photos were taken by Evelyn England of Sage Art
Some of our September Features…
Reinvention Luncheon Oct. 8
On Tuesday, October 8, 11:30 a.m at Michael’s on East, Choral Artists has a luncheon benefitting their Education and Outreach

Todd Craven
Programs. Guest speaker is Todd Craven, Associate Conductor of the Buffalo Philharmonic, who will discuss his transformation from trumpet virtuoso to conductor extraordinaire, reinventing his career as a musician. Sopranos Jenny Kim-Godfrey and Robyn Rocklein will perform passionate Tchaikovsky Duets with pianist Joseph Holt, Artistic Director of Choral Artists. Read the article by clicking HERE 

Two Special and Distinct Exhibits at The Dali Museum
Explore Dali’s Monumental works through Augmented Reality and see an exhibition of Dali’s Spanish predecessor and influencer, Francisco de Goya. One exhibit will showcase the preeminent collection of Salvador Dali’s large-scale works, called “Masterworks,” through the lens of Augmented Reality; the other exhibition features paintings and rare, first-edition prints from Spanish master artist Francisco de Goya.
Runs to Nov. 3. The Dali Museum is located at One Dali Boulevard, St. Petersburg. For information, visit
To get a peek at the exhibit, read our article click HERE

Are you Downsizing, Moving or just Getting rid of STUFF?
Whether you’re downsizing from a big home to a smaller place due to the kids having moved out or maybe you like the idea of just having less stuff, both can contribute to helping the environment as well as making your world less complicated.
A new trend is on the rise. It’s being dubbed “minimalism,” and it’s a pretty good trend to get on board with if you’d like to have less clutter, appreciate the items you own more and spend less money on products you won’t use. But does minimalism have the potential to make a positive impact on our environment? Absolutely. Here’s how….read our article to find out more…
Read the article by clicking HERE
your health
Free Seminar on Hormones
The Renewal Point has a free seminar on Thursday, September 26,  6-7 p.m. on Bio-identical Hormones. At this seminar you will learn about: Hormones and why an imbalance in them leads to signs and symptoms of aging and the disease processes that come along with this; The benefits of bio-identical hormones – these are identical to the body’s naturally produced hormones, allowing them to work as a lock and key in the receptor sites; How correcting the imbalance can retrain your body to function at a higher level; How hormone balancing can improve energy, sleep, sexuality, endurance, relationships, bone strength, joint health, mental focus, and more
              Presented by Dr. Dan Watts, Founder/Director of The Renewal Point Age Management Center.  Space is limited. RSVP to (941) 926-4905. The Renewal Point is located at 4905 Clark Rd, Sarasota.
Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Support Group
Join in for a Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Support Group. They meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Braden River Library on SR 70 from noon to 2 p.m. This group is free and a good chance to share with others that understand. Any questions, call Edie Anderson at 941-447-5024 or Lorraine McDonough at 941-896-8942.
Free Vein Screenings
Allure Medical believes in curing advanced vein disease, not just managing its symptoms. They offer free vein screenings in their Lakewood Ranch and Venice offices, and use the latest technology and minimally invasive procedures to stop vein disease in its tracks. No need for years of pain and discomfort. 
          Call 941-214-9412 to schedule your free screening today. Same-day or early/late appointments are available. Learn more by clicking HERE
Some events to check out…
Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee presents “Surviving Lunch” on Sept. 22
The Shapiro Teen Engagement Program (STEP) of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee is partnering with JFCS of the Suncoast and Source Productions to present a screening of the highly acclaimed film, “Surviving Lunch.”
      The screening, followed by a panel discussion, will be held on Sunday, Sept. 22 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Beatrice Friedman Theater on the Larry Greenspon Family Campus for Jewish Life at 582 McIntosh Road, Sarasota.
      The chilling and provocative film, which was selected as best narrative feature at both the Sarasota Film Festival and the Fort Myers Film Festival, focuses on bullying and school violence, and about what it means to be a teenager in America today.
       Source Productions, a division of Planned Parenthood of Southwest and Central Florida, and award-winning filmmaker KT Curran, produced this riveting film in 2018, and had just begun casting when the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting incident in Parkland, Florida, occurred, taking the lives of 14 students, two coaches and one teacher.
      The film tells the story of Gabriella, a courageous New York teenager who moves to Florida with her mother after her father is killed in a school shooting. While trying to recover from her loss, Gabriella notices a boy being relentlessly bullied in the lunchroom – and decides to take a stand.
       The film will be followed by a panel discussion. To register, visit For information, contact Andrea Eiffert at 941.552.6308 or [email protected].
Find our Calendar of Events by clicking HERE
Club Meetings, Talks, Health Lectures & more…
Our WCW Datebook column has lots of interesting events to attend whether you’re interested in a learning experience, health news or a networking event.
     It’s a great way to find out more about what’s going on in our community.
Click HERE for our Datebook Calendar
Dining in
September is Mushroom Month
We’ve got some yummy recipes that include the fungus among us including Avocado & Farro Harvest Buddha Bowl (shown at left), Grilled Portabella Burgers with Garlic Mayo and Turkey & Mushroom BBQ Stuffed Sweet Potatoes. Mushroom are low cal, but also have some healthy minerals that go with the great flavor.
To read the article (and get the recipes) click HERE
For more info, call Abrams Dermatology at at 926-2300.
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Are YOU in the News? Nancy Cason is….
Nancy Cason
Nancy Cason, a partner with the Sarasota law firm of Syprett Meshad, has been selected by Super Lawyers, part of Thomson Reuters, to its 2019 Florida “Super Lawyers” list. Cason was selected in the Real Estate category. Cason is also the current president of the Sarasota County Bar Association. To learn more, visit

To read our You’re News column, click HERE
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