On October 19 and 20, 2015, the Seaside Institute in coordination with Walton County, the International Transportation Innovation Center (ITIC) and Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) will host a workshop designed to help develop alternate transportation planning for County Road 30-A

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WHAT – Transportation Innovations Workshop

WHERE – Seaside, Fla., Assembly Hall, 168 Smolian Circle Santa Rosa Beach, FL

WHEN – October 19-20, 2015 (see agenda for details)


On October 19 and 20, 2015, the Seaside Institute in coordination with Walton County, the International Transportation Innovation Center (ITIC) and Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR) will host a workshop designed to help develop alternate transportation planning for County Road 30-A. Vehicle, communication and power system designers active in on-demand transportation and transportation infrastructure experts from across the country will participate in what will be one of the most innovative transportation planning initiatives ever launched in Florida.

Please visit http://30amobility.com for more information. There you will find a working draft of the agenda, which includes the following highlights:

  • Opening remarks to be provided by Florida Department of Transportation Secretary Jim Boxold (confirmed).
  • Secretary Boxold will be introduced by Florida Transportation Commission Chairman, Jay Trumbull (confirmed), who will also have comments.
  • Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Director Jesse Panuccio (invited) will speak on the second day of the workshop.
  • Robert Davis (confirmed), founder of Seaside Florida, will be joined by a panel of experts to discuss transportation issues confronting County Road 30-A in Walton County, as well as other such tourist destinations throughout Florida and the nation.
  • Dr. Joachim Taiber (confirmed), Chief Technology Officer of the International Transportation Innovation Center (ITIC) – a public-private partnership entity to implement and operate the largest integrated OEM-agnostic test site for vehicle electrification, connected vehicle technology and vehicle automation in the U.S.

About the author

Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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