Nicki Minaj just completed a live Facebook Q&A to connect with her fans directly after the premiere of her MTV documentary My Time AGAIN. There are great answers about her inspiration behind her music, her favorite songs, plus how it was to work with Beyonce.
Highlights below and link to Q&A here, embed code below answers.
How did it feel to collaborate with Beyonce?
Nicki Minaj: It felt empowering for women in general in music today
What is your favorite part about being back home in Queens:
Nicki Minaj: Being close to my mother & my brothers
What is your favorite song on your album?
Nicki Minaj: Every song is important to me, Buy a Heart is my favorite today.
What is the best thing about your career?
Nicki Minaj: Being able to connect with my fans all over the world.
Where were you when you wrote the crying game and how long did it take you?
Nicki Minaj: In my bedroom on my bed and it took like an hour
Nicki Minaj: In my bedroom on my bed and it took like an hour
What are you doing right now?
Nicki Minaj: In a car with this guy that I can’t mention
What was your favorite part of making The Pink Print?
Nick Minaj: My favorite part about making The Pink Print is revealing things that people did not know about me.
What is your favorite food?
Nicki Minaj: Curry Chicken and Roti shout out to my Trini’s
If you were to be any other job other than a musician, what would you be?
Nicki Minaj: A lawyer.
When you are not recording or not busy, what do you personally enjoy to do, like on your down time?
Nicki Minaj: I like to cook.
What inspired you to make Trini Dem Girls?
Nicki Minaj: I wanted something that reminded me of my Island.