Ling Ling Huang Plays Bach

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We are changing things up for this week’s Meditation, writing to you at 9am on Sunday. They are Morning Meditations, after all! This week features Ling Ling Huang playing a beautiful version of Bach’s Sonata No. 3 in C Major on a rooftop in Brooklyn. We hope you enjoy.

Second, the link you find here is live right away (no more waiting!).

Ling Ling Huang

Finally, we want to remind you to share and enjoy the other projects we’ve created thus far:

Mark Dover’s Alone Together

Morning Meditations:

Doug Balliett’s If Love

Brad Balliett’s Carolina Wren Singing

James Blachly/Katharine Dufault’s Through a Glass Darkly

In the coming weeks, we will be sharing Meditations by more than a dozen other EXO musicians. This allows us to do our own small part to keep musicians employed during this time of no live performances. And we want to invite you to help us create beauty for the world around us. If you are interested in helping us commission music from these great performers, please visit our donate page. Partial underwriting for these recordings and video projects begins at $75.

If you can renew your support of EXO at your annual giving level for these and future projects, that will be very welcome!

Help us create music by donatinghere.

Sending you all our best this week–

James Blachly
Music Director, Experiential Orchestra

In : Newswire

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