LIFELONG LEARNING ACADEMY’S Einstein’s Circle Winter 2015 Semester at USF Sarasota-Manatee; These open forums, moderated by knowledgeable experts in a variety of topics, provide an opportunity for participants to engage in a thoughtful exchange of ideas, opinions and information

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December 25, 2014


Einsteins Circle

Winter 2015 Semester at USF Sarasota-Manatee

These open forums, moderated by knowledgeable experts in a variety of topics, provide an opportunity for participants to engage in a thoughtful exchange of ideas, opinions and information.


January 14: LBGT Civil Rights from Lobotomy to Same-Sex

Marriage in 50 Years

January 21: Going to the Docs: Radical Reinvention of Medical Care

January 28: Is the American Constitution the One We Deserve or Has it

Gone off the Rails?

February 4: Topic of current and relevant interest TBA.

February 11: Through a Looking Glass: How the U.S. Sees the World; How the World Sees the U.S.

February 18: See More: From at-Risk Boys to Visible Men

February 25: Religion and War: Irrelevant, Minor Factor or A Major Cause?

March 4: Baseball: Is it More than Just a Game?


(Sarasota-Manatee, Florida) Lifelong Learning Academy announces its winter session of Einstein’s Circle forums, held in January, February and March, 2:30-4 p.m., in Selby Auditorium at the University of South Florida, Sarasota-Manatee, 8350 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota. Cost is $12 per session or $80 for the series. Members of the Lifelong Learning Academy receive 10 percent off both the single session and series cost. Seating is limited. Register online at or by calling 941-359-4296. For additional information on the Lifelong Learning Academy, including weekly updates of Einsteins Circle, visit or call 941-359-4296.

LBGT Civil Rights from Lobotomy to Same-Sex Marriage in 50 Years (Wednesday, January 14): Malcolm Lazin, an adjunct professor at New College of Florida in LGBT history and rights and the executive director of Equality Forum, offers this overview of the evolution of societal attitudes–from pervasive homophobia in the 1960s to state and federal authorization of same sex-marriage today.

Going to the Docs: Radical Reinvention of Medical Care (Wednesday, January 21): Do you feel your automobile is getting more attention and better care than you are? Moderated by Barry Bub, educator, author, physician.

Is the American Constitution the One We Deserve or Has it Gone off the Rails? (Wednesday, January 28). Why should it be so difficult to make changes to a document so central to our lives? Co-moderated by attorneys Paul Rosen and Thomas McGuire.

Topic of timely interest and guest moderator TBA (Wednesday, February 4)

Through a Looking Glass: How the U.S. Sees the World; How the World Sees the U.S. (Wednesday, February 11) News reporting from a world perspective. Who and what are we to believe? Moderated by Peter McNelly, veteran journalist, television writer and news show producer.

See More: From at-Risk Boys to Visible Men (Wednesday, February 18): Moderated by Neil Phillips, the founder and principal of Visible Men Academy, an all-boys charter school whose student population is the group that statistics say are most at risk for getting caught in a cycle of detachment from school, unemployment, incarceration, irresponsible parenthood, recidivism and early mortality.

Religion and War: Irrelevant, Minor Factor or a Major Cause?  (Wednesday, February 25): Moderated by Jerry Frost, founder/chair of Swarthmore College Peace and Conflict Program and Emeritus Howard M. and Charles F. Jenkins Professor of Quaker History and Research.

Baseball: Is it More Than Just a Game? (Wednesday, March 4): Moderated by Al Goldis, professional ballplayer, teacher, coach, Hall of Fame inductee.

Lifelong Learning Academy offers four course terms per year on the USFSM campus, at 8350 N. Tamiami Trail, Sarasota, and at State College of Florida at Lakewood Ranch, 7131 Professional Pkwy. E., Sarasota. Most courses last six to eight weeks and classes meet for one hour and 20 minutes each week. For more information about the Lifelong Learning Academy, call 941-359-4296 or visit


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