Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee: From the desk of Howard Tevlowitz; Israel and global anti-Semitism (WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT)

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The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee :: E-Newsletter 08/22/14
The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee
This is NOT the time for silence!

God Bless Hitler

Two days ago, over 300 rockets were fired into Israel’s heartland – and, at the same time, anti-Semitic instances were reported throughout Europe and the United States.

During the 1960’s a young writer, Elie Wiesel, introduced the world to the “Jews of Silence.” Wiesel describes the atmosphere of fear and silence that reigned among Soviet Jewry when this book was written. The rulers of the former Soviet Union attempted to force Jews to abandon their faith and identity, and to cut ties with their brothers and sisters in Israel. And then there was the daily disparagement of the State of Israel and the maligning of Zionism by the State Media, (something we see in many countries around the world today).

Fast forward to 2014: are we, as American Jews, becoming those silent, acquiescent Jews?  The crusade of Jew-hatred is all around us – on the left, on the right, on college campuses, in the media, formulated by Arab propagandists and those European anti-Semites, and American anti-Semites that went “underground” for years.  This outward manifestation grows more vicious and irascible by the day.
(See the news links below for additional information)  

The beheading of James Wright Foley
A video was recently released by ISIS showing the beheading of U.S. journalist James Foley.  In the video – that I have watched, Foley is seen kneeling next to a TERRORIST dressed in black. Foley reads a message, presumably scripted by his captors, that his “real killer” is America. “I wish I had more time. I wish I could have the hope for freedom to see my family once again,” he can be heard saying.

He is then shown being beheaded. Watching the video make me sick – worse than punch to the gut. It was truly one of the most sickening things I have ever seen. And my immediate thought was, “Everyone needs to see this.” After all, if people had sooner seen the atrocities that Hitler and his supporters had perpetrated in the late 30’s and early 40’s, how would the Jewish world have responded or taken action?

The reality is, it’s beyond the pale … disgusting and disgraceful. And out of respect to Mr. Foley and his family, it should not be distributed. Other online companies have taken this very approach. YouTube removed or blocked out the graphic scenes in the video. Twitter went as far as temporarily banning anyone who shared any graphic content from the event. To that end, The Jewish Federation will not share such content – but let me be clear – this despicable, horrible act should serve as a wake-up call to each of us, cozy in the sanctity of America. Radical Islam is growing and with it, the sentiment that Jews and Christians need to be converted or eradicated. We cannot and must not remain silent.


What has been the international response?  

LITTLE or NOTHING. Or worse – blame the victim: Israel, Jews who support Israel, Christians who support Israel, stores which sell Israeli goods.  The list goes on …


Friends, it’s time to stop the silence!  No monies are needed for this campaign – just your voices. And your fingers on your computer.



1. Write the White House, IMPLORE THEM! Particularly President Obama:
The White House: 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20500
Comments: 202.456.1111 • Switchboard: 202.456.1414
Online Questions/Comments

Speak out against the despicable anti-Semitic events throughout Europe and here in America – and mention our ‘friends’ Turkey and Qatar in your words – they’re supporting TERRORISTS. Tell it like it is! We stand with the people of Israel! 

2. Use Social Media!  Attached are 3 items to send out:
– An editorial from Howard Tevlowitz in Tuesday’s Herald-Tribune
– An interview with Federation’s Isaac Azerad and Jessi Sheslow: METV Special Report: Israel and the Gaza Strip
See Federation’s billboard on US 41 – WE STAND WITH ISRAEL

3. Help us reach out to friends in the Sarasota-Manatee community:
Volunteer to be a part of the Heller 
Israel Advocacy Initiative Speakers Bureau.  We’ll train you to speak to civic groups, church groups and others regarding Israel, anti-Semitism and anti-Christian persecution. Contact Jessi Shelow at 941.343.2109.

4. Want to help plan pro-Israel programs and activities?  
Email Jessi Sheslow at [email protected] and become part of the most proactive committee in the Federation – the Heller Israel Advocacy Initiative Committee.

5. Travel to Israel:
Our Federation is planning at trip around March 16, 2015.  Email Howard Tevlowitz at [email protected] for details

And, if you are interested in giving to the Israel Emergency Campaign:
Please use our online link


Have other ideas how to help?
We’re all ears – email Jessi Sheslow at 
[email protected]

We at this Jewish Federation remain ever vigilant. We will continue to speak out against ISIS’ brutality and murderous treatment of Americans, Christians and other groups and encourage our Federation readers to take action wherever possible. The
beheading of an American reporter and the war of attrition started by Hamas should
serve as wake-up calls to all Americans regarding the bloodthirsty and brutal nature of radical Islamic terrorists and their insatiable hatred for Jews, Christians, America and all that we stand for. 

This is NOT the time for silence! See additional links and pictures below. 

**WARNING** Graphic content below 




– Swedish Jewish Woman Savagely Beaten for Wearing Star of David

– Temple U. Jewish student punched at pro-Palestinian group’s booth

Facebook: Israel Now’s image series ‘Who’s Next?’
(in response to the death of James Foley)




Christians crucified by ISIS terrorists in Syria last June

Christians crucified by ISIS terrorists in Syria in June


READ: Ronald S. Lauder’s op-ed Who Will Stand Up for the Christians?The bond between Jews and Christians makes complete sense. We share much more than most religions. We read the same Bible, and share a moral and ethical core. Now, sadly, we share a kind of suffering Christians are dying because of their beliefs, because they are defenseless and because the world is indifferent to their suffering.

Good people must join together and stop this revolting wave of violence. It’s not as if we are powerless. I write this as a citizen of the strongest military power on earth. I write this as a Jewish leader who cares about my Christian brothers and sisters.


The Jewish people understand all too well what can happen when the world is silent. This campaign of death must be stopped.”





For more Israel-related information visit: 



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