October, 17 2014 |
Caroline Graham, C4 Global Communications |
100 Angels for 100 Rhinos |
Great Plains Conservation and & Beyond have been working hard to raise awareness and funds for their initiative, Rhinos Without Borders, and on Rhino Friday 17 Oct 2014, we decided to launch our Rhino Angels campaign to further the project. The Rhinos without Borders project aims to move 100 rhinos from the highest poaching zones in South Africa, to the lowest poaching zones in the whole of Africa, Botswana, to protect them from the poaching crisis. It is a project of hope and we want to get adults and children across the world raising their voices for rhinos. If you have a child under the age of 8 years old who cares about rhinos and would like to make their voice heard, we would love you to enter them into our Rhino Angels competition. Each of us needs an angel. Some days our kids are those angels (some days they aren’t!), but we are seeking 100 angels for our 100 rhinos, kids under the age of 8 who can articulate well (or not) why we should protect these rhinos. We are hoping that their voices will resonate through time and space and the universe, to provide the protection the Rhinos without Borders project needs, for each rhino with his or her own Rhino Angel. We’re inviting kids and parents to submit a video message and enter the contest. Angels selected will get a picture of their own rhino that they will be taking care of, thinking about and spreading the word about. The prize for the best Rhino Angel video will be a rhino hamper of children’s wildlife books, cuddly toy, and other Rhinos Without Borders goodies. We will be sharing the best of the videos every week as well as editing them into a campaign video to display the passion of the next generation — The Rhino Angels. 1. Film your child on your smart phone as they express to the world what they feel about rhinos through action or voice. |
Wildlife Films |