Esteemed author of Peripheral Involvement Bob Waldner released his sophomore endeavor, fictional thriller The Prophet of Marathon, on Amazon this month

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New York, NY November 9, 2015 – Esteemed author of Peripheral Involvement Bob Waldner released his sophomore endeavor, fictional thriller The Prophet of Marathon, on Amazon this month. The novel, which is available in both paperback ($14.99) and Kindle ($4.99) editions, reveals the thrilling story of one man’s gripping encounter with deceit and betrayal and his ultimate journey towards redemption.

The Prophet of Marathon is a fictional tale about James Bennett, an underachieving descendent of old money whose rebellious nature never fails to disappoint his family. His unruly behavior leads to an escapade to the Florida Keys where ex-televangelist John Wainwright takes a liking to him. Quickly enamored with Wainwright and his stunning yet estranged daughter, Bennett spurns his family’s business on Wall Street and decides to help Wainwright rebuild his church, but he finds himself transported into a world filled with betrayal and treachery. Left alone to discover a path of atonement, Bennett can only pray that his father will accept him back into his life. 

I am thrilled to share what I hope to be another compelling story. Amazon is a great resource because it allows readers to access writers’ work through both a traditional means as well as a modern digital source,” says Waldner. The Award Winning author has also created a website that further allows his fan base to better acquaint themselves with his work.

Waldner, a New Jersey native, attended both Duke University and the University of Michigan Law School before practicing law in New York. He currently resides in Manhattan with his wife, Erinn, and his daughters Maureen and Madeleine. The author looks forward to continuing his writing career and plans to publish another novel in the near future.

For more information on Bob Waldner and “The Prophet of Marathon” please visit: and

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