Daniel Eyes & The Vibes

Watch “Dessert Cocaine” On Texas Monthly:
Vote “Dessert Cocaine” for Best Song at the
Austin Chronicle Music Awards: bit.ly/1SCmfYJ
“The quartet’s sound on this four-song set brings to mind ’80s mainstream rock radio as they mine moody, minor-key melodies and dark lyrical themes.”
“…with a swagger bigger than the stage … the local quartet unloaded slacker
punk energy with tunes that bounced between Eighties Dire Straits and Police,
and the rawer garage guitar of Kurt Vile.”
-Austin Chronicle
AUSTIN, TX – January 29, 2015 – Austin-based indie-rock band, Daniel Eyes & The Vibes, is excited to exclusively stream their debut EP, Sweet Dreaming, with idobi Radio. Listen here: http://bit.ly/23y5UJw. The EP is officially out today, January 29, 2016. The band will be playing a special EP release show tomorrow, January 30th, at Cheer Up Charlie’s in Austin, TX with support from Obsolete Machines, Burgess Meredith, and The Gents. Every few years, a band comes around that puts songwriting at the forefront without sacrificing powerful, in-your-head instrumentals – Daniel Eyes & The Vibes aim to fill that gap. For more information, please visit: http://danieleyes.com/
“Sweet Dreaming is dark, sexy, moody, charged but also upbeat and hopeful,” says frontman Daniel Eyes. “We plan on releasing great songs for a long time, songs that inspire us and hopefully the listener too. This EP is a collection of songs for the people who dream, who have a vision for their world that may not be their reality yet.”
Watch “Dessert Cocaine” on Texas Monthly, here: http://bit.ly/1ZnVjRQ, and stream the EP’s title track, “Sweet Dreaming” over at PureVolume: http://bit.ly/1PBbvV1.
The Sweet Dreaming EP was self-produced by the band’s primary vocalist, songwriter, and guitar player, Daniel Eyes, with additional production from, Travis Kennedy (Walk The Moon, Ryan Adams). Grammy Award winner Gavin Lurssen (Robert Plant & Alison Krauss, Pharrell, Eric Clapton, Foo Fighters, Bruno Mars) mastered the EP. Sweet Dreaming is just four songs of many. “If I could,” says Daniel Eyes, “I would record a full album every few months and have the output be as prolific as the writing.”
After recording several unreleased solo EP’s, Daniel Eyes formed The Vibes alongside drummer Cruz Crase. The pair recruited Russell Simonson on bass, and the addition of guitarist, Dylan Stephens, rounded out the group’s core.
Characterized by high quality songwriting, personality, and raw energy, the band’s music is easily relatable to any listener. Daniel Eyes & The Vibes’ pop-structured rock n’ roll sound is tinged with a blues influence, leaning heavily on older influences such as The Police, Tom Petty, and The Rolling Stones, combined with the modern sensibility of bands like Kurt Vile, Dawes, and Kings of Leon. Frontman Daniel Eyes’ knack for generating concise, tuneful pop songs keeps the band lingering in the minds of the audience far past their initial introduction.
The band’s home base of Austin also holds a strong influence on their music. According to Daniel Eyes, people care about the music scene in a way that is harder to find in other cities: “We pick up little pieces of inspiration from everything we listen to, not to mention great local acts we may not even know the names of.” Austin has been the place for the band to cut their teeth and figure out their identity.

1. Sweet Dreaming
2. Sleeping With The Blues
3. Jessica
4. Dessert Cocaine
Upcoming Performances:
Jan. 30 Austin, TX Cheer Up Charlie’s (EP Release Show)
Feb. 19 San Angelo, TX The Deadhorse
Feb. 20 Austin, TX Stubb’s (Indoors after OAR)
Mar. 1 Austin, TX Stay Gold w/ Emily Bell & The Talkbacks
May 5 Houston, TX Nightingale Room
May 12 New York, NY Piano’s
May 20 Dallas, TX The Foundry
For updates, please visit:
Website: http://danieleyes.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/danieleyesmusic
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danieleyes/