Comfort Keepers Sarasota FL Monthly Newsletter for 02/15/2014

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Monthly Newsletter from Comfort Keepers Sarasota FL

Comfort Keepers Sarasota Florida Newsletter

Senior Care in Bradenton, FL: Dad Told Me about his Senior Care Needs and I Don’t Know What to Do

Jan 31, 2014 01:45 am | Michael Jones

I have to admit that I never spent a great deal of time with my father through the years. For the most part, it was the physical distance between us. When I graduated from high school, I went to college on the other side of the country because I just needed (well, wanted) to get […]

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Hearing Problems and Communicating with Home Care Services in Bradenton, FL

Jan 30, 2014 08:40 pm | Michael Jones

Is your loved one missing more than the occasional word during a conversation? Do they ask you to repeat yourself constantly? Is the volume on the television above the normal range? Does your loved one tend to talk over others because they don’t hear that someone else is talking? If the answer to these questions […]

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Caregiver Stress: Learning How to Live with Being a Family Caregiver in Bradenton, FL

Jan 24, 2014 05:33 pm | Michael Jones

We all experience stress from time to time, but caregivers feel this pain deeper than most. Caring for an elderly relative can put more stress on your body and mind than you may realize. Over time, this can take a serious toll on your physical well-being. Existing health problems can be aggravated and new conditions […]

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Senior Care in Sarasota, FL – Senior Care Companions Keep Families Informed

Jan 23, 2014 12:26 pm | Michael Jones

Deciding when our parents or grandparents need assistance with their daily duties is not always easy. We need to pay attention to the signs. Are they unable to get around like they used to? Are daily household tasks becoming more difficult? Do they need medication reminders? Are they lonely? Do they need help getting to […]

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Passive Aggressiveness and Home Care Services in Sarasota, FL

Jan 17, 2014 03:29 pm | Michael Jones

Do you know what passive aggressiveness is? Believe it or not, a lot of people simply don’t realize what it encompasses; they have the wrong idea about it and tend to think that it is a physical act, but it is actually a verbal or non-verbal act. When it is involved in any form of […]

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Talking to a Loved One about Elder Care in Sarasota, FL

Jan 16, 2014 10:35 am | Michael Jones

For some families, it’s a topic that they don’t ever really think about until the time has come and they can no longer avoid it. For the most part, it’s not a big deal, but it can be a significant life moment that some people simply would rather avoid. We’re talking about elder care. So […]

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Movie Night and Elderly Care in Sarasota, FL
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