The End of Summer Super Sale
If you want to make generating income as easy as possible
in your business, then check out the Ready2Go Marketing
Solutions’ End of Summer Sale where
more than 100 ready made, ready to deliver information products are
50% off!
To take advantage of this great offer while there is still time, go to and enter promo code SUMMERSALE14 when you order.
These professionally crafted, brand as your own products will help youdo three essential things in your business:
– Grow your list
– Nurture your list to develop familiarity and trust
– Generate income.
And there are 8 products to choose from and 24 topics,
giving you more than 100 product selections.
The products are:
– Special reports,
– Audio training programs,
– Success tips,
– Tweets,
– Workshops,
– Teleseminars and webinars,
– Speeches,
– and Brand New: Self-Study Programs.
A small investment will give you THOUSANDS in return.
Get just ONE client and you have made your investment
back many times over. This is good ROI (Return on Investment).
This is good business.
BRAND NEW: Self-Study Programs are $198.50 (Regulary $397)
This product is super popular as it is great for
growing your list, great to offer individually as a product
for your funnel, and is VERY profitable to bundle together
as a multi-part self-study program under a topical theme.
Top quality workshops are $249.50 (Regularly $499)
Host a workshop and convert attendees to
coaching clients, and WOW!, this is a big money maker.
Client attracting teleseminars are $198.50 (Regulary $397)
This is one of the best strategies EVER to grow your list, deliver
great value and sell your products and services. Every business
owner who wants to use online strategies to market their
business and deliver their service should have a few teleseminars
in their back pocket.
Professional speeches are $174.50 (Regularly $349)
Speak at various organizations, meetings and conferences to
get known, grow your list and promote your products and services.
These presentations are professionally written and guaranteed to
educate, entertain and inspire.
Starter packs are $149.50 (Regularly $299)
Want to get started with the basic necessities?
A special report, 2 articles, success tips, and tweets are a
great way to “get out there”, gain exposure and and grow your list.
Grow your list by hundreds and thousands and use
the other products to convert new clients and deliver paid
Bundles (9 products) are $899.50 (Regularly $1799)
Save yourself a TREMENDOUS amount of time and energy
with all 7 products (Special Report, Audio Training Program,
Speech, Teleseminar, Self-Study Programs,
PowerPoint presentations, Workshop, Success Tips, Tweets).
The product bundles would cost you hundreds of
hours of time to create or $20,000-$30,000 to have
a professional create it for you.
To check them out, go to and enter promo code SUMMERSALE14 when you order.
And here are our TWO NEWEST, HOTTEST TOPICS on:

Overcoming Procrastination –
The Art of Getting Things Done Now

The Time Challenge –
Making Every Moment in Life Count
Here’s the link to get the details:
and enter promo code SUMMERSALE14 when you order.
And when you purchase any product you are invited to attend
my live “Behind the Scenes’ Training program that will show you
the ins and outs of HOW to make money with your Ready2Go products,
and how I have used content marketing to make millions of dollars in my business.

And it’s all backed by our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If the product is not a fit, we’ll refund your money no questions asked, MAKING THIS A NO RISK INVESTMENT.
so head on over and check it out
before it ends.
Go to
and enter promo code SUMMERSALE50 when you order.
If you have a question or need help determining the
best product for your business, send me an
email and I’ll personally respond.
Here’s to your greatest success,
Kim Clausen, President
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions, Inc.
[email protected]
P.S. If you aren’t sure how you can make money,
check out my short informational video showing you how easy
it is to get clients. Check it out here:
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions, Inc.
*Services or training are not discounted.
Creating completely developed and ready to implement workshops, teleseminars, speeches and more, that you brand as your own. No need to get bogged down with content creation ever again. We’ve done it all for you!