Care2 Petition Launched Asking Netflix, HBO, or Hulu to Save Amazon’s “Good Girls Revolt”

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 Care2 Petition Launched Asking Netflix, HBO, or Hulu to Save Amazon’s “Good Girls Revolt”

Show’s executive producer has said she’s “flabbergasted” over the show’s cancellation

Feminists and other fans of the Amazon show Good Girls Revolt are having a revolt of their own after the show was abruptly canceled. A Care2 petition to demand Amazon, Netflix, HBO, or Hulu pick up the show has gathered over 2,600 signatures.


“Good Girls Revolt is a critically acclaimed, feminist series about the 1970 landmark class action gender discrimination case against Newsweek and it was canceled because one male CEO didn’t like the content,” writes Care2 petition author Kelsey B. “GGR is a beautiful, empowering and honest portrayal of the fight these women and many like them went through to demand the right to equal opportunities in the workplace. “

The Hollywood Reporter cites anonymous sources who say Amazon executive Roy Price “was not a fan of the series,” hence the cancellation.

Season one of the show could be streamed exclusively through Amazon Video and seems to have been cancelled despite great numbers. While Amazon does not release ratings for its streaming services, Sony, the show’s producer, commissioned research firm Symphony Advanced Media to conduct a viewership report. It found the show had 620,000 viewers and ranked No. 8 in top streaming series in the three weeks after it premiered, coming in just after Netflix’s “Stranger Things.” Good Girls Revolt creator and executive producer Dana Calvo told BuzzFeed the show had “twice Transparent’s audience.”

Fans and the show’s stars have been tweeting to save the show under the hashtag #SaveGoodGirlsRevolt.

“I don’t know what to tell women, scared of their own president, who ask why you cancelled a hit feminist show 30 days in,” tweeted Actor Genevieve Angelson.

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Care2 ( is a community of 38 million standing together for good. People are making world-changing impact with Care2, starting petitions and supporting each other’s campaigns to help individuals, animals and the environment. A pioneer of online advocacy since 1998, Care2 is a B Corporation, or social enterprise, using the power of business as a force for good.

In : Television

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