Early in October, Commissioner Mike Moran used the platform of his office to express outrage that three Democratic candidates had received contributions from their own party – which were found in violation of an obscure clause in the County Charter.
Public records now indicate that Mr. Moran’s practices while in office would also appear troubling:
A look into the Commissioner’s public records reveals unpaid business taxes; unpaid intangible tax for three years; questionable and possibly illegal campaign contributions; undisclosed private debt, and the troubling appearance of multiple conflicts of interest within his campaign and Political Action Committee, or PAC, operators.
As a stickler for the letter of the law, will Mr. Moran publicly answer questions raised by these disturbing fact patterns? Story here.
Citizens for Sarasota County (CSC) is a coalition founded in 2014 to promote ethical, responsive government that preserves and enhances Sarasota’s unique natural environment and cultural heritage while building a sound local economy based on effective stewardship and innovation.
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