2nd Annual Renewal Summit Spotlights Living Healthier and Longer, Looking Your Best, and Making A Difference in the World

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2nd Annual Renewal Summit Spotlights Living Healthier and Longer, Looking Your Best, and Making A Difference in the World

April 28, 2018

Cheryl Benton, Founder/Publisher of The Three Tomatoes, and Anne Akers, Founder/Editor in Chief of GLOW Beauty, Health and Wellness Magazine, recently collaborated to produce an all day Manhattan-based conference, featuring over 20 top experts, exhibitors and attendees coming together to consider the possibilities of Spring: where we are, where we are going and where we would like to be!

Based on the theme of living healthier and longer, looking your best, and making a difference in the world, the Summit opened with author, Huffington Post columnist and spokesperson for NOF (National Osteoporosis Foundation) Barbara Hannah Grufferman speaking on “Loving Your Age”. Following this Keynote, an ageless panel of seniors ranging  from a Tony Award winning Broadway producer to a former Ms. Senior America brought home a message for millenials, Gen X, and baby boomers alike, that living life to the fullest has no limits!

The afternoon program featured some of New York’s leading medical experts, holistic healers, meditation professionals, and others exploring new frontiers in longevity and quality of life, tips for living through stressful times, and open discussion about issues for the women over 40 from sleep to libido.  Emmy awarding journalist, Jane Hanson, and Good for You Network’s Claire Carter moderated three information packed panel that included experts Dr. Dennis Goodman, Director of Integrative Medicine at NYU Langone, Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum, Spokesperson for the GO RED for Women Association, Mario Orsatti, Director of the Center for Leadership and Performance at the David Lynch
Foundation and others.

A day of fun, inspiration, and “action tips” concluded with a makeover “reveal” and a world class panel on Making a Difference with leaders from Plan International USA, The Fortune Society, Pajama Program and the Taylor Matthews Foundation for pediatric cancer.   The makeover candidate, selected from an essay contest, was coiffed by the international stylist Yuseff Smyth of the Marie Bove Salon, dressed by designer Gabrielle Carlson and jewels from the Accessories Council.

A wine reception, raffle, exhibitor visits, and book signings ended the day, with thanks to Sponsors National Source International, Revitin Probiotic Toothpaste, Cynosures Mona Lisa Touch, and Jan Goldstoff, The Gal with the Golden Rolodex.

Cheryl Benton is Founder/Publisher of The Three Tomatoes, a digital lifestyle media platform for “women who aren’t kids” and author of the recently published novel, “Can You See Us Now?”.  She created The Three Tomatoes as the antidote for invisibility.   She is chief cheerleader for smart, savvy women who want to live their live fully at every sage and every stage.  www.thethreetomatoes.com

Anne Akers is a champion of health and well being for women.  She is  the Founder/ Publisher of GLOW Beauty, Health and Wellness Magazine, and an entrepreneurial presence in medical publishing and marketing.  A winner of the SMART CEO award for entrepreneurial spirit with a sense of give back to the community, Anne sits on many boards in women’s health, with a particular passion for Veterans wellness.  She is currently partnering with Cheryl Benton in producing health and wellness events for women, with an eye toward creating “healthy bodies, radiant beauty, and positive spirits”.  www.glowbeautymag.com.



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Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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