What’s Your Anger Type? Shows Us How To Deal With Anger Without Resorting To Violence; Renowned author and psychologist Peter Sacco takes a good, hard look at anger and the reasons it might be disrupting our lives, and future generations

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What’s Your Anger Type? Shows Us How To Deal With Anger Without Resorting To Violence

New York, NY, September 28, 2016 – In a thoughtful new book, renowned author and psychologist Peter Sacco takes a good, hard look at anger and the reasons it might be disrupting our lives, and future generations. In What’s Your Anger Type? Revised Edition, he asks, can anger be addictive?

“After working with individuals one-on-one in counseling and in groups, I would definitely have to say yes,” he says. “There are people who get totally aroused, empowered and motivated by their anger.” People respond to adversity and emotions one of two ways. They either run from it, or they stand up to it. “If you keep standing up to conflict or seek it, you get aroused and release adrenaline. This hormone provides a rush almost like a stimulant or ‘upper.’ We are seeing more of this now in acts driven by political fanaticism and moral justification.

There are twelve types of anger identified in What’s Your Anger Type? Revised Edition. A series of self-inventory tests help to clarify the different anger types and provide tips on overcoming them through proven methods. The two most important facts to keep in mind about anger, Sacco says, are that anger is a normal and healthy emotion, and you are not nuts or insane when you get angry. “It is how you deal with your anger which is the most important factor,” he continues. “There’s no time like the present to modify your life and make optimal living your goal.” His new book examines how ‘anger’ is affecting today’s children in North America.

Peter Sacco is also the acclaimed author of Right Now Enough Is Enough, a self-help guide for overcoming addictions of all types by combining Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) with the law of attraction. And in Why Keeping Resolutions Are So Ridiculously Difficult! The Handbook To Understanding And Overcoming Procrastination, Sacco explains that procrastination is a habit that can become an addiction, and how it is out of control in our culture – as are the bad habits and addictions which are its by-products.

In addition to being an author of many books and more than 800 magazine articles, Sacco is an award-winning lecturer at universities in both the USA and Canada, specializing in relationships, criminal psychology, addictions, and mental health. He is also a frequent resident expert on several television programs and appears regularly as a guest expert on many news talk radio shows in the USA (FOX, ABC, CBS, Iheart, Coast To Coast, etc.), as well as hosting the weekly radio show “Matters of the Mind: Managing Relationships and Mental Health.”  He is also an award-winning executive producer and host of documentaries on relationships, psychological issues and child issues.

For more information, please visit www.petersacco.com.

What’s Your Anger Type? Revised Edition
DoctorZed Publishing and Booklocker Publishing
Available in print and digital formats online everywhere
$17.95 Print
$1.00 Kindle
ISBN: 978-1634911610


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