Dear Don,
Louise Bruderle
I totally understand Gayle Guynup’s uncomfortableness with being featured in WCW. Reason #1. She hates having her photo taken. Reason #2. She’s not used to being interviewed – she is, after all, an editor at the Herald-Tribune. My feelings, exactly. And like 99.9% of the women we profile, there’s concern about how it will all come out and can we Photoshop the image. I always explain we don’t Photoshop (not much anyway) but confess to having done it to the pic here.
Gayle Guynup |
Gayle’s huge dog Gem was in the photo and we Photoshopped THE DOG. Why? My photographer thought the dog’s eyes should be open, not closed. So, we’re confessing here. The image in WCW print has the REAL unedited, eyes closed Gem image. The image here was altered. Will you forgive us, Gem? So Gayle, no worries, you look great (so does Gem). I think I was the more nervous one…yikes what if she found a typo?
We’ve got Gayle’s profile here profile (a PDF).
Louise Bruderle Editor, West Coast Woman
WCW Top Picks for June:
PRP for your skin – free seminar at Sarasota Specialty Pharmacy
Sarasota Specialty Pharmacy has a free talk coming up on PRP…What’s PRP? It’s an exciting new treatment wherein you use your body’s own cells to help heal and rejuvenate. Athletes and those with achy joints have used PRP for years to combat wear and tear injuries. PRP means platelet rich plasma. And now there’s a way PRP can also be used for skin rejuvenation!
RSVP by calling 366-0880. Visit Sarasota Specialty Pharmacy by clicking here.
Get Fit on Thursdays
Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy has free summer exercise classes for seniors on Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. The class includes 45 mins. of seated and standing exercises focusing on strength, flexibility, posture and balance. Sessions are supervised and suitable for all levels. And no referral needed. Call 941-870-5811 to reserve a space or to get more info. Siesta Key Sports & Physical Therapy is located at 5147 Ocean Blvd., Siesta Key. Visit or send them an email at [email protected].
Summer Fun with the Circus..
There‘s lots to do this summer including taking in our own Circus! The Circus Arts Conservatory is having its Summer
Spectacular every Tuesday June 17 to August 2 inside Sarasota’s Historic Asolo Theatre! Clowns, jugglers, hand-balancing acts, quick change artists and don’t forget Scooby the Chihuahua. For tickets, visit
Are you Offering Classes or Lectures?
Coming up in August 2014: WCW’s Education & Learning Issue
If you teach ANYTHING you’ll want to advertise and have your school, college, academy or institute listed in our Aug. 2014 issue! WCW’s Education & Learning issue will have colleges
 and post-secondary schools like SCF, MTI, USF, Ringling and others, but we also welcome schools like LBK Education Center, Pierian Spring, Lifelong Learning Academy, Florida Studio Theatre, Art Center Sarasota as well as anyone offering dance, music, gardening, improv or any other type of learning.
Adult Education is popular in Sarasota and WCW readers would love to know what you have to offer – now and in season. Our readers are planning what they’ll be doing this fall so make sure they know how they can sign up for your programs.
Contact us and we’ll send you rates and our best offer! But don’t delay…the August issue closes on July 15. We’re here to answer any questions and help you with your ads. Call us at 954-3300 or email us at [email protected].
WCW is available at our 500 locations in Sarasota & Bradenton!Visit our site at |
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Deadline: June 15
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