Univision Networks’ “LA BANDA”; Tune in to La Banda on Sunday night at 8PM EST/7PM CT/5PM PT and 8PM PT for the last stage in the competition- live

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Univision Networks’ “LA BANDA”

Recent Press Samples & Episode 8 Highlights

– With Performance Links From The First LIVE Episode





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Sunday was the start of the highly anticipated live episodes of Univision Network’s La Banda and the 12 finalists wowed fans, impressed the judges and audiences at home with their singing, dancing and on-stage charisma. After the shows, voting methods opened and fans are able to vote for their favorite contestant.


The show opened up on a high note with the first band of boys singing “La Gozadera” and arrived on stage in a car to an audience filled with fans.


The biggest surprise of the night came when host Alejandra Espinoza announced that Kevin Gonzalez made the decision to leave the competition for personal reasons. Kevin’s departure opened a spot on the competition which was filled by the surprise return of Alan Matheus.


The show continued with the boys performing in bands of 4:


Banda #1: Zabdiel de Jesus, Johann Vera, Richard Camacho and Aaron Bodden sang “Fun.” After their upbeat performance, Alejandro told the boys he was very proud of them, especially of Richard whom he said ‘no’ to during auditions. Laura congratulated the band although she noted they were out of tune a few times. Ricky congratulated the boys as well and told Richard “he left his soul on stage.”

Video Here: http://www.univision.com/entretenimiento/la-banda/y-se-llego-la-gozadera-video


Banda #2: Christopher Vélez, Sebastián Rivera, Joel Pimentel and Erick Brian Colon sang “El Perdón.” Laura really liked their performance, although there were minor mistakes with their choreography. Ricky told Sebastian that he seemed out distracted and he congratulated Erick Brian. Alejandro liked their energy but mentioned that there is room for improvement.

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2iYgrxgVkSc


Banda #3: Jaime Cruz, Yoandri Cabrera, Joshua Greaux and Alan Matheus sang “Drag Me Down” by One Direction.  Alan is back in the competition and was worried because he did not have as much time as the others to prepare. At the end of the performance, Ricky said he liked Yoandri’s performance. Alejandro says that based on their vocals, they are the strongest band.

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxoJlxO1I6M


After the group performances, the boys performed individually.

Richard Camacho

Song: Sunset

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBpKJif5ZR8

Alejandro praised his self-confidence. Laura feels proud to have said ‘yes’ to him and says he is a true artist. Ricky said this night was great for him and that he had his brother’s energy with him.


Zabdiel de Jesus

Song: A Thousand Years

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EByc-5kPJCM

Laura noticed that he was initially nervous but liked his performance.


Erick Brian Colon

Song: La Temperatura

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tuh9_L6PwF8

Erick never imagined getting this far. Ricky thanked him for daring to do something different. Alejandro liked his performance. Laura would rather see him sing ballads.


Aaron Bodden

Song: Que Viva La Vida

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1IPpHB4PKY

Aaron wanted to show that he is not only a rapper but a complete artist. Alejandro told him he likes his spirit and drive. Laura liked his performance. Ricky told him he’s like a cat, wherever he falls, he lands on his feet.


Jaime Cruz

Song: Stitches

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V3JQBiLbHLM

Because of his changing voice, Jaime was having trouble with his vocals. Laura says she understands it must be difficult to sing with his changing voice. Alejandro tells him he can land wherever he’d like, to fly without fear.


Joshua Greaux

Song: Duele el Amor

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORD_55ix1zQ

Everything he sets his mind, he achieves and he hopes La Banda will not be the exception. Joshua felt like he showcased a part of himself the audience had not seen yet, he danced and smiled. Alejandro liked that he wants to evolve and do something different.


Alan Matheus

Song: Darme Un Beso

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeqZ8I8qNUo

Alan says he has a lot to learn and is going to demonstrate to everyone that he should have a place on La Banda. All three judges tell him they are glad he is back.


Sebastian Rivera

Song: Isn’t She Lovely

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8HtfzEI_7Dk

Sebastian feels that the competition has changed him for the best- as an artist and as a person. Laura says she really likes Sebastian. Ricky said he was one of his favorites and liked that he took a risky by performing Stevie Wonder. Alejandro liked Sebastian dance moves.


Johann Vera

Song: Impossible

Video Here:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZX_xwMEtv8

Although there were sound problems during his performance, the judges defend Johann and tell him he is a talented singer. Ricky tells the public they need to know that Johann should be in the competition until the end.


Christopher Velez

Song: Contigo

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tstbp_wapNI

Christopher wants people to know him as fighter. Alejandro thanks him for his performance. Ricky tells him he has touched him and would like for him to stay in the competition.


Joel Pimentel

Song: I See Fire

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G39_xLVCFnc

Laura noticed he was nervous. Ricky mentioned he should keep on working. Alejandro notes that he had a few hiccups in his performance but notes that he can improve on these.


Yoandri Cabrera

Song: Fight Song

Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4hqTwW3WOUs

Ricky congratulated him and Alejandro says that he is his favorite. Laura says that he sang the best.

At the end of the show the judges selected the Banda of the Week:  Richard Camacho, Sebastián Rivera, Yoandri Cabrera and Joel Pimentel. The band will open the show next Sunday.

Voting lines opened at the end of the show. Fans can vote by phone call, texting, on the official La Banda site, using a hashtag on Facebook and Twitter, and via our Univision Conecta App.


Tune in to La Banda on Sunday night at 8PM EST/7PM CT/5PM PT and 8PM PT for the last stage in the competition- live.

About the author

Editor of Don411.com Media website.
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