The Summer Camp show is a comedy show lampooning childhood activities like: dull group activities, faux spirituality, awkward sex lessons, incomprehensible nature lessons, etc. We also have camp sing alongs and some stand up comedy.
The Summer Camp show features some of Washington DC’s finest performers:
Natalie McGill (Winner of DC Improv’s “Comedy Kumite” contest)
Alyssa Cowan (Bentzen Ball)
Chris Milner (Laugh Your Asheville Off)
Nate Johnson (Winner, Funniest Fed Competition)
Jenn Tisdale (Funny or Die)
Perth O’Duibhdiorma (Crazy Person)
Herb Manilla (Herb & Hanson)
and Michael Sullivan (The Libel Show)
Admission is free, and we provide attendees with free adult bug juice (Bacardi and Hawaiian Punch).
The show is Wednesday October 14th, 8pm, at the Wonderland Ballroom.
The event page:
The show’s website: