Christmas Eve Candlelight Services
The spotlight will be on the manger and the Sanctuary will be decorated with banks of red Pointsettias and candles for two unique Christmas Eve Services to be held at Roser Community Church on Thursday, December 24.
The 5:30 PM Christmas Eve FAMILY Candlelight Celebration features a Nativity Pageant in which all children are invited to participate. This service is especially for families, but everyone is welcome. There will be singing of carols, special music by the Joyful Noise Children’s Choir, “Good News!” from Dr. Bob O’Keef, and perhaps a surprise visitor! The service will end with the singing of “Silent Night” and the Passing of the Light.
The 9:00 PM Traditional Candlelight Service will be full of beautiful sounds as we are treated to an extended prelude and offertory by Relative Harmony, an ensemble made up of flute, harp and French horn. Melody (harp) and Chris (horn) Rapier are professional musicians from Ohio and the sister and brother-in-law of our own Mary Deur (flute). Dr. Bob O’Keef will bring us the message of “Good News!” The service will end with the singing of “Silent Night” and the Passing of the Light.
Two Chrismon Trees adorn the Narthex. The term is a combination of Christ and Monogram. Early Christians used symbols of their faith at a time when it was dangerous to be a Christian. The contemporary use of Chrismons as the sole ornaments for the Tree began in a little Lutheran Church in Virginia in an answer to Mrs. Frances Spencer’s prayer that Christ the Lord might be glorified in the Christmas decorations of her church. The year was 1957 and the use of Chrismons rapidly spread to churches around the world. White is the liturgical color for Christmas and refers to our Lord’s purity and perfection. Gold refers to His Majesty and Glory. The Chrismons on the trees were made by the ladies of the Roser Guild and are a beautiful and meaningful reminder of the majesty and glory of God’s gift of his Son. Each of the ornaments has spiritual significance. Bring the family and stop in the Narthex to see how many symbols you can identify on the Chrismon Tree!
The symbols hanging on the Chrismon Trees include the Latin Cross, the Greek Cross, the Cross & Globe (world united in Christ), the Tau Cross (looks like the letter T with the Serpent entwined—the staff by which God saved Israel), the Cross Crowned (Christ’s crown of glory), a Lily (the Resurrection), a Rose (the Christ) a Palm (triumphant ride into Jerusalem), Wheat & Grapes (body and blood of Christ), Crown of Thorns (our Savior’s suffering), Lily-of-the-valley (low growth suggests Christ’s humility). Then there are the creatures of the Earth: Fish (ancient secret sign), Butterfly (resurrection) Dove (Holy Spirit), Lamb (Christ), Scallop Shell (Baptism), Pearl (the Word of God) Triangle or Trefoil (Holy Trinity) and an Orb or Ball (the earth and the various monograms of Christ).
Roser Church is located near the Anna Maria City Pier at 512 Pine Avenue. For more information call the church office at 941-778-0414, email, go to or find us on Facebook at www.facebook/roserchurch.
Roser Memorial Community Church
941-778-0414 I 512 Pine Ave I PO Box 247 I Anna Maria FL 34216
This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Psalm 118:24