The Kuyasa Kids, Horizon International’s acclaimed ambassador choir from Capetown, South Africa will be in a free concert, Wednesday March 25, 7pm

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Poster on half page 1 The Kuyasa Kids, Horizon International’s acclaimed ambassador choir from Capetown, South Africa will be in a free concert. The purpose of the Spring Choir Tour is to encourage Americans to sponsor African children and youth who have lost their parents to the AIDS pandemic.

PLEASE HELP US GET THE WORD OUT TO ALL SARASOTA YOUTH GROUPS AND COMMUNITY TO ATTEND!!  Please make copies of this flyer and pass them out to your schools, churches and business’s. Our goal is to have 500 people at their one hour free concert.  Check out their one minute youtube:


“What an amazing opportunity for an outreach international mission for our very own Sarasota First Church Youth group to be involved” says Laurie Pike Youth Mom at First Church.

“These young energetic children run from ages 10 to 17 performing an amazing hour long concert with so much heart and soul that it keeps the audience smiling and inspired long after the concert ends”, Winston Clark, Coordinator of Kuyasa Kids Tour.

Host Venue: First Church (First United Methodist Church, Downtown Sarasota)

104 South Pineapple Ave., Sarasota 34236

Wednesday March 25th, 2015 7:00pm to 8:00 pm

Love offering will be appreciated after this free concert.

A Special Thank you for Sarasota’s First Church Youth Group Outreach Mission Efforts!

The Kuyasa Kids are from a Xhosa tribal township called Kayamandi, approximately 25 miles from Capetown, Western Cape Province, South Africa.  The purpose of the Spring Choir Tour, scheduled from March 22-April 12, 2015 is to encourage Americans to sponsor African children and youth who have lost their parents to the AIDS pandemic.

Horizon International is a non-profit Christian relief and development organization dedicated to creating a world of hope for orphans affected by AIDS.  The organization, based in Pendleton, Indiana, serves these orphans and their communities regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, or gender, enabling them to break the cycle of poverty and live free from the bonds of poverty and disease.   For $35 per month, one can provide an African AIDS orphan with basic food, clothing, an education, basic health care, and in some cases, a place to live.

How people can give online is simple.

Go to

Scroll down to:   Give to a GO Team or Other Project;  Designation (type in)  Sarasota Kuyasa Kids Tour ;  (type in) $ dollar amount to contribute

During the Tour, the Kuyasa Kids will make concert appearances at several locations in Georgia, Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama. IN SARASOTA ON MARCH 25!

For more information about the Kuyasa Kids, the Tour, and Horizon International, go to Horizon’s website at or call toll-free (866) 778-7020.

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