Every day, our troops struggle to overcome the emotional toll of war. Sources note that 189,000 post-9/11 vets can’t find work and that 1 in 5 Iraq or Afghanistan vets suffers from PTSD. Staggering stats for an amazing group of Americans who have done so much for all us. So what can we do to reverse the trends? We start at the beginning, by building the hope, confidence and resiliency of our troops as they transition to civilian life. That is where we have the greatest impact. For 73 years, the USO has boosted troop morale – in fact, we do it 30,000 times every day. Our unique access to wounded, ill and injured troops enables us to try to help them avoid many difficulties altogether. That’s why we’ve expanded support programs for wounded troops. We’re changing lives on an individual level – and today, we want to show you how. Our new online series – Inspiring Hope: Moments of Healing for our Wounded Troops – gives you an exclusive look at how the USO helps our troops recover. The first installment highlights our work with Hire Heroes USA to help wounded troops translate their military skills into new careers.
When Pew Research surveyed thousands of veterans, they found that 44 percent of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans acknowledged struggling to reintegrate. Transitions are often difficult, and troops reentering civilian life face unique challenges that require solutions rooted in a firm understanding of where they’ve been and what they’ve been through. That’s why the USO partners with Hire Heroes USA to help wounded troops transition to civilian careers.
Click here to check out our slideshow and learn more. I’m confident you will be proud of how we, with your help, are caring for our wounded troops and their families and caregivers. Thank you for making all of this amazing work possible. Brigadier General John I. Pray Jr., USAF (Ret.)
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March 21, 2014 Comment Off 25 Views
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