Suncoast Waterkeeper: Save Our Wetlands petition active to prevent the undoing environmental protections found in the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code

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Hello Friends,
We’re faced again with the threat of Manatee County bowing to developers and undoing environmental protections found in the Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code.  Abbey is on vacation for a week but before she left, activated a Save Our Wetlands petition to our website with hopes that our environmental partner groups and individuals will sign on to support what will certainly be a strong community opposition to the changes.  Please consider signing on and sharing with your organizations and others to build support.  Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns and if you can offer an organizational sign-on, share that information with me and copy Abbey.

Thank you,


Justin Bloom
Founder and Board Vice-Chair
Suncoast Waterkeeper
Member of the Board
Tampa Bay Waterkeeper
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Citizens for Sarasota County (CSC) is a coalition founded in 2014 to promote ethical, responsive government that preserves and enhances Sarasota’s unique natural environment and cultural heritage while building a sound local economy based on effective stewardship and innovation. 

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