Stephanie Synclair’s new book “Shut Up and Do the Work” available June 5th

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Work Mode and the beach mode? Yep, we have you covered. Stephanie Synclair’s new book “Shut Up and Do the Work” makes the perfect summer read for the “CANT STOP WONT STOP” entrepreneur. Even Diddy would approve.


“Shut Up and Do the Work” is the ultimate guide for experienced entrepreneurs, new entrepreneurs and those with dreams and ambitions of entrepreneurship, who know without a doubt that they were born to do more, be more and have more, yet they can’t seem to grab it. It’s a book, a workbook and your new best friend who’s committed to telling you like it is!


Sure, not everybody’s meant to be an entrepreneur, but for those who have what it takes, Stephanie will guide them through the 80/20 rule of success, with 80% being mindset and 20% being action. By the end of the book, readers know where they are in the entrepreneurial spectrum, discover the thought processes and belief systems that are holding them back, and how to eradicate these beliefs. Stephanie also takes her readers through her foolproof system to replacing those beliefs and reprogramming the success blueprint.

Stephanie also shares in detail her secret formula that she and other self-made millionaires have used to create massive success and it isn’t the “hustle” mentality (spoiler: that doesn’t work).


Stephanie also has a ton of golden nuggets to turn into stories!  Examples include-

–       80/20 Rule –20% of success is action, the most important, the 80% is the prep- here’s how to do it the right wat

–       How to get UN-STUCK – In your career and in life

–       5 Categories of Failures – Whether you are the dreamer, the hater, the lurker, the pessimist or the judge. Why you MUST know which you are.

–       Eradicating False Beliefs – Why it is so important to get rid of false beliefs

–       The Blueprint for Success- How to create this- A Step by Step Guide

–       Why the “Hustle” mentality doesn’t work and how to change it


The book retails for 12.99 and can be purchased at



How did this girl come about you ask?


Always the creative and the entrepreneur, Stephanie was unsatisfied with her corporate work environment that kept her away from her two-year old son. Following in the footsteps of the greats before her like Chris Gardner in The Pursuit of Happiness, she quit her job without a plan but a need to put her and her son’s happiness first. Three-months alter, broke and forced to move home with her parents, Stephanie gathered up her lemons to focus on her long-term goals.


Having a passion for beauty and lifestyle, Stephanie opened up a brick-and-mortar natural hair and skincare store in 2010.  However, she didn’t stop there. Realizing the power of YouTube, she began promoting her store on social media and her sales went from zero to five-figures within the first fourth months and hit six-figures within a year. Women saw this truly amazing woman and began reaching out to Stephanie, which prompted her to start a free Saturday conference call where she went through the steps on how to successfully grow your business via social media.


As the demand for Stephanie’s classes grew, she saw another opportunity to be had. No longer working with just lemons, she was making killer lemonade and took her cosmic concoction to the road.  She decided to take her son to see the world while she spoke and coached people on how to grow their business and be great leaders. Her success was marked with her followers growing to double-digits and her wait list being over a month long. She even adopted group classes to more efficiently empower more budding entrepreneurs on how to change their life around. As her popularity grew, so did her rates, with her private coaching sessions going for up to $70,000.


Wunderlich Kaplan Communications

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