Sierra Club: Here’s where anyone can Say NO to Fish Farms

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Herald Trib: Representatives of many of the opposing groups will rally at a press conference set for 11:30 a.m. June 13 at Maxine Barritt Park, 1800 Harbor Drive S., Venice, designed to draw attention to that effort.
Sarasota News Leader: The news release about the June 13 rally says that Ocean Era has informed the EPA that it wants to modify the permit in regard to the species of fish it will use, as well as the type of facility, “meaning only the location of the facility is the same as when the permit was issued!” The release adds, “This gives us even more reason to oppose this project and means that the old permit should be revoked immediately.”
Sierra Club: Here’s where anyone can Say NO to Fish Farms

Toxic cyanobacteria in the lake — specifically microcystis aeruginosa, often called “blue-green algae” — was measured at a concentration of 0.56 parts per billion as of May 16, the last time it was tested, according to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. At 8 parts per billion, microcystin is considered harmful to people, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. This year’s algae bloom is so large it can be seen and measured from space. 

Citizens for Sarasota County (CSC) is a coalition founded in 2014 to promote ethical, responsive government that preserves and enhances Sarasota’s unique natural environment and cultural heritage while building a sound local economy based on effective stewardship and innovation. 

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