Review of Remembering the Light Within, A Course in Soul-Centered Living by Mary R. Hulnick, PhD and H. Ronald Hulnick, PhD, 2017

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Do you sometimes forget that you are a soul using a human body and human experience to grow in unconditional love?  The Hulnicks give you practical ideas, meditations and journal exercises to increase your awareness that your essential nature is that of a soul with a spiritual purpose.  Even the dream techniques given can help you find opportunities to live with more awareness in this spiritual context.  In so doing, you will find the joy and peace that we so often search for in material possessions and experiences.

The most meaningful chapter for my life was about half-way through the book.  The authors recommend one chapter a month but I choose to move quickly through the early material.  It is called “Freedom Through Compassionate Self-Forgiveness”.  It is sometimes easier to see others through the eyes of unconditional love than to see ourselves with that same kindness.  Taking 100% responsibility for our lives and our choices doesn’t mean we judge ourselves harshly.  In fact, that is one of our best opportunities to experience the healing power of compassionate forgiveness.

These wonderful words and techniques teach you to align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your chosen intentions to create the inner and outer life you desire.  Read this book and find your Light.



Remembering The Light Within: A Course In Soul-Centered Living
By Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D. and H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D.

New Book Reminds Us that Love Is Our Essential Nature, Creating a Radical Shift in Perception of Our Life’s Purpose from Experts in Spiritual Psychology

Santa Monica, CA, April 11, 2017 ― Are you ready for a radical shift in perception― one that may challenge and profoundly alter your idea of who you are and what your purpose is on this planet? This book presents information, stories, and simple yet life-changing practices designed to assist you in doing the work you came to earth to do― Waking up into the Awareness that you are the Presence of Love, and living your unique life of meaning, purpose and fulfillment from within that Awakened state.

From Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick, Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica, the Worldwide Center for the Study and Practice of Spiritual Psychology, Remembering the Light Within (Hay House, February 2017) affirms that we all suffer from greater or lesser degrees of “Spiritual amnesia.”  We’ve forgotten who we are and why we’re here.  The process of Remembering is an active process through which, step-by-step, you remove or dissolve the barriers within your consciousness that are all that prevent you from knowing your Soul’s nature—from experientially knowing that you are a Divine Being having a human experience.  Can you imagine walking through this world in a consciousness that is Awake to Love?  Wouldn’t that be Amazing Grace?

“We are thrilled to share these life-changing Soul-Centered Living and Remembering who you are teachings with you at this important time in human history. For a deeper experience we recommend reading one chapter at a time and then engaging with the Practices and Intention at the end of the chapter for a week or two before moving on to the next chapter,” said Ron Hulnick. Mary Hulnick added, “The Practices are not things you do once or twice and then move on. They are empowering, transformational, and when utilized over time, become integrated as a Way of Being and a Way of Life. In your Soul, you are already Awake to the Love that you are. This book is intended as both inspiration and support for Awakening into that Awareness and living a Soul-Centered life — an inspired life of Love, meaning and purpose.

Remembering the Light Within is filled with remedies for Spiritual amnesia including Spiritual Wisdom and practices supported by the time-tested Principles of Spiritual Psychology. A few of the essential concepts covered in this book include: discovering what it means to enter the Spiritual Context, learning the difference between the ego and the Authentic Self; recognizing the distinction between Goal Line and Soul Line opportunities; accelerating Spiritual Awakening through using the scientific method; reframing unresolved issues as Blessings; communing with the Divine through prayer, and finding Freedom through Compassionate Self-forgiveness. The authors also share from their own experience the power of the material to support readers in “Hitting a Spiritual Home Run” and learning how to use “Spiritual Crampons.” Radical, liberating shifts in perception await!

For more information about Remembering the Light Within and to receive complimentary limited-time bonus gift with book purchase (only available through this website), please visit:

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Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick are pioneers and worldwide leaders in the field of Spiritual Psychology, as well as Teachers and Facilitators of Awakening in Consciousness. They are renowned educators, authors, and the Founding Faculty and Co-Directors of the University of Santa Monica (USM), where they have designed, developed, and facilitated Educational Programs for the past 35 years. Both are licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Mary is also a licensed Clinical Psychologist. They are also the authors of Loyalty to Your Soul: The Heart of Spiritual Psychology, published by Hay House and available in twelve countries and eight languages.

Remembering the Light Within: A Course in Soul Centered Living
By Mary R. Hulnick, Ph.D., H. Ronald Hulnick, Ph.D.
Paperback: 268 Pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-4019-4976-1
Price: $16.99



Arianna Huffington, Founder & CEO of Thrive Global; author of Thrive: “In today’s noisy, distracted world, it’s harder than ever to listen to your inner voice. In Remembering the Light Within, Ron and Mary Hulnick provide a step-by-step guide to tapping into your intuition and wisdom. This book is an invaluable guide for anybody who wants to live a life of meaning and purpose.”

Iyanla Vanzant, Host of Iyanla: Fix My Life, OWN: “Throughout life’s journey, rarely do you experience a book that will leave footprints on your heart. Remembering the Light Within is just such a book. More than a Course, it is a pathway to Awakening, a gateway to your Authentic Self! Gently and lovingly Ron and Mary invite you to remember the inherently Loving nature of your Spiritual Essence. The practices in each chapter will masterfully guide your ego in surrender to your Soul. This book is a treasure.”

Joan Borysenko, Ph.D., NYT bestselling author of Minding the Body, Mending the Mind: “This is truly a book for our times; a handbook of awakening to the Light within. Ron and Mary Hulnick are two of the most accomplished spiritual teachers of our time. They are love itself—the real deal. While more than 5,000 students have graduated from their celebrated programs out of the University of Santa Monica, now we can all partake of their practical, life-changing wisdom.”

Richard Barrett, Author of A New Psychology of Human Well-Being: An Exploration of the Influence of Ego-Soul Dynamics on Mental and Physical Health: “I love this book. I want to give it to everyone. It is the owner’s manual for egos that have forgotten they are souls.”


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