PINK FLOYD’S ROGER WATERS IS WILLED BY MORE THAN 40 THOUSAND PEOPLE AFTER TRYING TO TALK IT; Roger Waters calls Bolsonaro a neo-fascist and hears the boo intensely during show in SP

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Roger Waters calls Bolsonaro a neo-fascist and hears the boo intensely during show in SP
In his concert on Tuesday night in São Paulo, former British rock band Pink Floyd Roger Waters showed on the big screen on the stage warning messages to the fascist wave that occurs in several countries of the world , including Brazil and presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro.
According to the Folha de S.Paulo newspaper, during the performance of the song “Eclipse”, close to the closing of the show, the words “#ELE NO” were displayed on the big screen. “The reaction was deafening, with almost 40,000 people at the stadium producing a lot of boos.”
In the vicinity of the premium track the answer came in boos and in the chorus of “Outside PT”. According to some who were closer to the exits of the stadium, several people left the show before the end. In addition the musician was prevented from speaking several times, with deafening screams and curses. When he was finally able to speak, the little that was heard was, “I am against the resurgence of fascism.” And I believe in human rights, I prefer to be in a place where your leader does not believe that dictatorship is a good thing. and it was not legal. “
Shortly after, the musician revealed that he hoped for the reaction because Brazil is such a passionate country – and it is worth remembering that Waters has already been booed at some shows in the United States for his criticism of Trump.
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