Gentlemen: Even the most mundane topic is interesting if you pay close enough attention.
Collecting stamps. Professional badminton. Foamers.
This is the lesson imparted by David Rees: writer of the infamousGet Your War On comic strip, erstwhile performer alongside Louis C.K., writer of Wired Magazine’s animated dig at the NSA, “Codefellas,” and host of his own show on Nat Geo.

He’s giving a free talk tonight at the offices of Huge.
You should go.
He’ll be joined by New York Times Magazine editor Bill Wasik.
The topic: finding inspiration in the banal.
Rees knows of whence he speaks. He once started an artisanal pencil sharpening business back in 2010, when ironic artisanship was still funny.
On his National Geographic show, he acts as a Mr. Wizard for the current age, taking seemingly mundane subjects and showing you how batshit wackadoodle they actually are.

Like, dude turns a lesson on matches into a dance with a 15-foot column of swirling fire.
So catch his show. Or catch him in person tonight.
Get your weird on. |