New Interstellar X Google Play Collaboration short film, “EMIC: A Time Capsule From The People of Earth” From director and editor David Brodie, creative director Angus Wall and curated by acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan

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New Interstellar X Google Play Collaboration short film, “EMIC: A Time Capsule From The People of Earth”. It was released today exclusively on Google Play and asks the question: When we leave earth how will we remember it?

From director and editor David Brodie, creative director Angus Wall and curated by acclaimed filmmaker Christopher Nolan, the short film is compiled from over 10,000 submissions from people all over the world, highlighting the human spirit and how that manifests itself around the globe. It is a reflection of how we view ourselves, and how we want to be remembered.

Here is a link to the trailer:



Full film available now on Google Play:

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