New College of Florida, Nimb.e: Summer 2016

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Summer 2016

Instilling a Love of Science

On a blindingly sunny day on the Bayfront behind College Hall, groups of middle- and high school students boarded New College’s marine biology research boat for trips out onto the Bay.
It’s just part of a day in PUSH/SUCCESS, a program for students from demographics typically under-represented in science, now in its 15th year.
Students receive two weeks of intensive science training, from collecting samples to running experiments to preparing reports and presentations on their work.

Op-Ed: James Joyce Scholar shares Joy and Pride of Bloomsday

New College student Liliana Solomon recently spent time in Ireland as a James Joyce Scholar, a program supported by a foundation created by Sarasota residents Tom and Maureen Steiner.
She says her time in Dublin was overwhelming and amazing. She recounts the strange, but impressive experience she had during Bloomsday, a June 16 holiday celebrating Joyce’s novel Ulysses, complete with pilgrimages to places cited in the book, as well as recitals and re-enactments.

Just for Families: Dressing for Success

Located in Palmer E and accessible by appointment, the Professional Clothing Closet – a new addition to the reuse and recycle traditions at New College – has become a huge success thanks to Mimi Chenyao.
The rising third-year student calls it the Center for Engagement and Opportunity’s version of the Free Store, a spot where students can get business attire they need to go on those all-important job interviews.

Also in this issue:
  • Your Impact: New College of Florida mourns the loss of retired Army Lt. Gen. Rolland V. Heiser, former president of the Foundation and a key figure in the College’s history.
  • On Campus: Orientation is just around the corner; and New College names a new dean of student affairs.
  • Events: New Music New College announces its 2016-2017 schedule; a celebration of the career of recently retired New College professor Cris Hassold will be held Oct. 21-22, 2016.
  • Read this and more in the summer issue of Nimb.e »


5800 Bay Shore Rd
Sarasota, FL 34243
(941) 487-5000


New College of Florida, The Keating Center, 5800 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243

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