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July 21, 2015


LOS ANGELES—Mayor Eric Garcetti and Houston Mayor Annise Parker, who co-founded the Mayors National Climate Change Agenda (MNCAA) along with Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter, issued the following statement as Mayors from around the world gathered for the Vatican’s symposium on climate change and modern slavery hosted by the Pontifical Academies of Sciences and Social Sciences.  MNCAA Mayors attending the symposium include Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum and San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.

The symposium follows Pope Francis’ encyclical calling for action against climate change and in advance of the UN climate conference in Paris where world leaders will convene to negotiate a new international agreement to combat climate change.

“Mayors are on the front lines when climate change causes drought, incites extreme weather, and erodes our coastlines. We need the world’s leaders to think like mayors and share our sense of urgency in negotiating a bold climate change agreement,” Mayors Garcetti and Parker said in a joint statement. “We are proud to join those mayors who are gathered at the Vatican in signing the Papal declaration for action on climate change and urge our nation’s mayors to continue leading the way. We must lead in the face of federal inaction.”

In a letter delivered to the White House last month, the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda directly called upon President Obama to fight for the strongest possible climate agreement at the UN climate conference and announced it is launching a campaign to support the President and the U.S. delegation to the conference in pushing for strong action on climate change. See:

This fall, Mayor Garcetti will host U.S. and Chinese mayors and other sub-national leaders in Los Angeles for the U.S.-China Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Summit, an outcome of the landmark climate change agreement announced by U.S. President Barack Obama and China President Xi Jinping last fall in Beijing.

The agreement between Presidents Obama and Xi includes new targets for carbon emissions and reductions by the United States and a first-ever commitment by China to stop its emissions from growing by 2030. It also launched the Climate-Smart/Low-Carbon Cities Initiative to respond to growing urbanization and increasingly significant greenhouse gas emissions from cities.

The summit will mark the first effort of that initiative and will bring together local leaders from both countries for a multiple-day conference featuring a high-level plenary at which leaders declare their resolve, ambition, and actions; working level technical exchanges to share experience and best practices; and an exhibition to engage the private sector.

The Mayors National Climate Action Agenda includes:

  • Ann Arbor Mayor Christopher Taylor
  • Aspen Mayor Steve Skadron
  • Austin Mayor Steve Adler
  • Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed
  • Berkeley Mayor Tom Bates
  • Boulder Mayor Matt Appelbaum
  • Charlotte Mayor Dan Clodfelter
  • Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman
  • Denver Mayor Michael Hancock
  • Fort Collins Mayor Wade Troxell
  • Houston Mayor Annise Parker
  • Kansas City Mayor Sly James
  • Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti
  • Minneapolis Mayor Betsy Hodges
  • Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf
  • Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer
  • Park City Mayor Jack Thomas
  • Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter
  • Phoenix Mayor Greg Stanton
  • Portland Mayor Charlie Hales
  • Salt Lake City Mayor Ralph Becker
  • San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee
  • San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo
  • Santa Monica Mayor Kevin McKeown
  • Seattle Mayor Ed Murray
  • Somerville Mayor Joe Curtatone
  • Tacoma Mayor Marilyn Strickland

The work of the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda in the U.S. is complemented at the international level by the Compact of Mayors, a global cooperative effort among mayors and city officials committed to reducing local greenhouse gas emissions, enhancing resilience to climate change, and tracking progress transparently. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, his Special Envoy Michael R. Bloomberg, and city networks including ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI), C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group (C40) and United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) are working together to highlight and engage cities in the lead up to the UN climate conference, known as COP21. In the United States, the efforts of the Urban Sustainability Directors Network has been important in advancing MNCAA, including through the USDN-led Carbon Neutral Cities Alliance.

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