Join Michael Jones, CSA and Owner
of Comfort Keepers Home Care,
Sundays at 11:00 am on SNN when he hosts
Thriving on the Suncoast
Thriving on the Suncoast highlights our area’s top advisers and ways to protect your health and wealth on the Suncoast.
Featuring Ken DiPersio, LMT, BSCT, CST-T
KJD Therapy
Watch this weekend when Ken brings a unique perspective to healing and wellness with over 20 years of clinical experience in various settings. His years of Craniosacral Therapy studies under Dr. Upledger uniquely qualify him to bring relief to his client suffering for years with pain due to hidden traumas.
Learn the facts and myths…
As always we love protecting your health and wealth!
About Ken DiPersio, LMT, BSCT, CST-T:
Ken is a Florida Licensed Massage Therapist with over 21 years’ clinical experience in various settings including The Upledger Institute, Venice, Manatee and Tampa General Hospitals, The Chiropractic Healing Center, Family Chiropractic, Full Spectrum Health Nutritional Clinic, and private practice. From 1991 to 2003, Mr. DiPersio trained with The Upledger Institute and Dr. John Upledger in CST Levels 1 through Advanced 2, continuing from 2007 to 2011 with Michael Shea, PhD., BCST. Mr .Dipersio was certified CST-T by John Upledger in 1997, served as an assistant to Dr. Upledger in Advanced Level training and was certified to instruct Upledger CST Level 1 in 1999. In 2011, Mr. DiPersio received his diploma from the International School for Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy. Mr. DiPersio has taught over 300 classes with thousands of students for: The Upledger Institute, Kaiser College OTA program, Cross Country Education, KjD Therapy, Inc, Sarasota School of Massage Therapy, Independent Living Pediatrics,and many others. Mr. DiPersio currently practices CST at Full Spectrum Health, Sarasota, FL and has a private practice in St. Petersburg, Florida.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Julie Downing-Caregiver Comfort
Join us for a discussion on the importance for respite care for the caregiver and the great support groups available through Julie and Tim’s organization, Caregiver Comfort. We will also discuss the workshop for caregivers Tim is facilitating.

Sunday, May 31, 2015
Vicki Machado-Food & Water Watch
Vicki will be educating us about environmental toxins and how they can ultimately effect our health. We will talk about how we the public can get involved in keeping our communities free of toxins.
Did you miss the recent episode with Guests, Marcus Braz, and Dr. Alexander DeJesus, from Healthsouth??
CLICK HERE to view other episodes of Thriving on the Suncoast
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